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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I don't know I'm vaguely hopeful the way things did seem to get spread around a bit more in the 2nd half that McDermott saw the same problem and said something to Dorsey and hopefully it will actually lead somewhere.
  2. The fact that AJ has played as well as he has and seen the field as much as he has with the competition around him is impressive.
  3. It was funny until I had the realization that Phillips was going to destroy himself on this play and there it was.
  4. Yeah Josh maybe won't play McDermott.....
  5. Right Neo Nazis and the KKK who the ***** are they 🤷‍♂️ But let's prove we're better than those genocidal zealots by exterminating billions of people, if only there was a word for that. 🙄
  6. at 6:45 isn't the first read Gabe and the second one Diggs then the pressure gets there before he gets to Shakir? at least he clearly looked like he was looking more at Davis at first.
  7. He's gone from a complete disaster to just mildly bad.
  8. Madden isn't a very good simulation of NFL football on the field or in the Front Office.
  9. Will be interesting to see what she does when he inevitably does it.
  10. I said it earlier do you make that deal to save the hostages, knowing you're just going to go in anyway afterwards, even if you made the job harder on yourself? Going in and saving the hostages seems like, and I don't mean to be pessimistic, insurmountable task. I don't see how that works, maybe they get some of them but I'd think a lot would unfortunately not make it.
  11. He'd be a great guy for Dorsey to talk up and not call plays for.
  12. Obviously Diggs should get a lot of targets nobody is disputing that, but it was getting almost ridiculous last night. Either you have a terrible talent deficiency in the other skill players, which I honestly don't believe the players that have come up here have played better before and the ones brought in form elsewhere have performed better in other places, or you are incapable of drawing up plays that get other players open.
  13. The compensating for the Giants awful O-line with a free pass on holding was particularly obnoxious.
  14. He then threw that shoulder into the two Giants assaulting Brown.
  15. Well apparently you can just trip our WRs so problem solved there, pity we never thought of that.
  16. I have no idea why Dorsey is taking Elam's advice on playcalling.
  17. We need someone that's weapons certified in the Booth.
  18. Wakes up from the Hospital, I had the weirdest dream it was 3rd and inches and I took the hand off from shotgun and ran it up the middle and that's the last thing I remember.
  19. What's the play call Dorsey: Alright Diggs your run this this and this. Other WR, TE and RB: What about us? Dorsey: Just go wherever I guess. Definitly need to let Josh run if he sees an opening he can murder teams that way why take that away. As to the unnecessary contact that is somewhat true he'd do that sometimes but he could also be great at taking hits without like taking a real hit.
  20. Wow that Hamilton hit is vile. Nothing for Thibbs to do...besides wait for him to move? not kick another player? not be a ***** dumbass?
  21. That's like the whole defense. Got to want AJ back the way he's playing, even if Von gets back the way he was you have to want the young guys to stick around as they start to turn it on.
  22. I thought that was a DB not Oliver that should have tackled him in bounds.
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