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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. The kid is a physical freak, has a great mindset, catches the ball, and is only 20 so of course guys are like "yeah you can get something out of him."
  2. Yeah as much as there was a part of me that would have liked it if we drafted a 2nd WR in the draft, in the back of my mind I was thinking if we do that there's going to be this group of haters that are going to like a WR we drafted multiple rounds later than him just automatically. Wouldn't have been awkward at all.
  3. I miss the old days when it was driven by..........camouflage?
  4. So on this addition of Spot the Utah Player:
  5. "If you don't have confidence in yourself how is anyone else supposed to believe in you. Confidence comes from putting in work, God blesses you with somethings but the rest you have to contribute for yourself." What a diva. 🙄
  6. Being under contract has never stopped a guy from retiring, also didn't we just draft a safety who one of his pluses was covering TEs?
  7. Moulds had some real "Oh the cameras here, you're going to be real tired today." energy. Benford throwing a medicine ball and hitting the ceiling. 😱
  8. If Beane thinks he'll keep improving then now's an excellent time to buy, later and he could be much more expensive, but it's a gamble.
  9. and Benford just mysteriously disappears, didn't bring up Groot because he's seemed more solid-good, plus it seemed like they more asked him more to set the edge and contain but he's done that. Also Kincaid looks to be another solid contributor and before Gabe Davis accidentally inverted his controls so was he. As to All-Pros Taron Johnson is a Nickel Corner so of course he didn't get any and what because he didn't have a pick 6 he didn't contribute in the playoffs in 2021-23, do you really think that? and Ed was robbed he was right up there with the top guys at his position. Also someone I didn't mention because obviously you weren't going to care about it but he picked Siran Neal who yes was a ST player but he was also a ridiculous gunner for a period I mean that pic of three guys covering him is insane. I mean this doesn't seem all that complicated Beane has been struggling to address the DL position and that's what he had been working on at the top of the draft for a couple of years at the top of the draft in those years, besides that on a very good roster he's filled in picks behind guys so now we see Kincaid develop or we see Benford come up last year. Hell Spencer Brown even seems to be developing, he keeps going and that'll be pretty decent pick. Coleman's ceiling, yes people opinions may differ but a player's ceiling is the best version of the player, and Coleman a freak athlete with his testing numbers would have a very high ceiling.
  10. I'm sure there's plenty of that, plus just rolling through the list of retired NFL players to see if they can find anyone who catches on and that they can market.
  11. I could have sworn we bombed the ***** out of teams in 2020, scared the ***** out of them, and they have defended that part of the field ever since.
  12. Benford, Torrence and Kincaid are pretty early but both look really good, didn't Cook lead the league in Offensive yards?, Taron Johnson, Ed Oliver is up there as well. As to why I rolled my eyes, it not that complicated, whether you like the pick or not it really shouldn't impair your understanding of what a ceiling is.
  13. Of course did you see him at the end of the last movie, guy was huge.
  14. I think it's a lot tougher of a call to make, if he sees potential in the depth WRs we still have it's awfully hard to make a pick for WR you're worried won't even make the roster and get picked up somewhere else. Especially when you have other needs that need addressed and are in position to pick players that could have an immediate impact at those areas.
  15. Wouldn't hate the idea of having him in the room with a rookie safety. I'd think with him being so uncertain any role open to him would most likely be depth, because you can't plan on anything else.
  16. Blocking is important for any running back, what I'd say is he had good vision and the speed to deliver on it, saw where there was space and went to it. It's not coincidence that our run game has improved as our blocking has.
  17. Ty Johnson has been warned I guess, though that's a hard 3 spot to crack Ty was pretty good filling in behind Cook.
  18. Must be reaffirming as a CB that doesn't get picked in the draft to get a call from the Bills, with their track record.
  19. Keon Coleman is Back From the Future everything is going to be fine.
  20. I think Cook is flashier has more talent and the higher ceiling, but this guy has that next gear necessary to be really good and seems like a very steady force, and I just would not discount the kind of drive a guy coming up from the kind of background like he has could have.
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