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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. He had some really great scenes in Rocky Balboa including one they deleted for some reason I can't fathom.
  2. Right and nobody lived there earlier... "I will establish your borders from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, and from the desert to the Euphrates River. I will give into your hands the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or with their gods. Do not let them live in your land or they will cause you to sin against me, because the worship of their gods will certainly be a snare to you."- Exodus 23:31–33
  3. Eh, I can understand why Josh would like it on plays where they do it and they're going 5 wide and are just attacking down field, like there's no screwing around with it just all downhill passing. That being said our O-line has to be able to give him time for that to work.
  4. Guess we better give Mexico the bad news about needing to reform the Aztec Empire with the land they currently occupy, and I guess we'll trade places with the Native Americans and the tiny ass reservations we put them on instead of the continent they were spread across. Context does matter and ignoring that the Palestinians had lived on that land at that point for generations themselves is just baffling. Hell if I remember correctly shouldn't we be looking for some Canaanites to give that land back to or did Israel already "take care" of that problem. Reality is at this point both sides have a claim to live in the region, and they need to stop murdering each other unless that's just what they want their reality to be.
  5. I guess these were the two? 🤔 It's such an interesting response from Israel, basically "It's not like we killed that many people," and "we could have bombed them harder don't be such a baby about it."
  6. Technically hasn't Jefferies had the most votes in all but one speaker vote sense the Republicans got the majority, so 17/18?
  7. They're so anti-establishment so far that they've yet to establish a functioning House of Representatives.
  8. I really hope we win this week, because this week has been tough.
  9. Why would he have a 3rd vote, he lost votes on the second, I could imagine that'd drive him to lose more on the third.
  10. Not sure why he's asking for his release when he could just retire, I guess this is him wanting to go to a different practice squad. Which for a guy that played as well as he did, feels like a sad way for him to go out in his career however I felt about his personal opinions and expression of them.
  11. Hamas is in there somewhere I guess. 🙄 For having such a technologically advanced and well trained military, Israel only ever seems to use a hammer.
  12. Then why did she make a deal at all if she was so assured to beat those charges? I mean seriously what's your theory that she decided that instead of going through a trial that you think she'd apparently clearly win, she decided to make a deal for lesser charges while having to speak truthfully about her involvement in the criminal conspiracy and be prepared to testify. As well as the years of probation, the fine, and likely future loss of her law license. You think that's what that means? Or maybe and I'm just spit balling, but she was right before her trial was going to start, went "Oh *****! I'm about to go to prison." and made a deal to avoid it. I mean what do you think a plea deal is?
  13. Yeah it's not great, back in 2014 there were articles about 1-2 thousand people taking shelter in the church from the bombings back then, and that church doesn't exactly look like a structure anymore.
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