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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I enjoy his personality but how about we get a Right Tackle.
  2. I mean the run game has been much better, but even if that was all Josh calling the shots, it's a bit of a leap to assume there'd be no running plays, there's no run plays in that situation because it's hurry up and we have go the length of the field as fast as possible. Possible it'd be different in different circumstances, hypothetically.
  3. This must be him peeling off his skin to reveal he was secretly a Dolphins fan all along.
  4. That's not a thing a team does with a franchise QB.
  5. You can not like the penalty, as in the rule, but you're just not allowed to hit QBs high like that.
  6. This one is on the Defense which is mangled but still against that team still should have done better than stopping them a few times or holding them to FGs and then TDs. Offense could have been better obviously but they moved the ball most of the day struggled to punch it into the endzone in the 1st half, which I'm betting is something NE might still be good at, turned it on at the end. Bright side for me was the Offense did look more consistent at times when the O-line could keep it's ***** together, they spread the ball around and got everyone involved.
  7. I loved it when the commentators brought up when NE ran one for a TD and it was perfectly fine.
  8. How do you pick up a flag for an illegal man down field?
  9. Come on Defense they're going to have to pass now.
  10. Looked like the spot should have been right next to the goal.
  11. On second thought maybe you might be right, they get this second TD they'll end up going for 2 anyway to be up by 3 so maybe try earlier....though I'm not sure it makes a difference in this scenario if they know earlier.
  12. No way with an extra point we take the lead with another TD.
  13. Allen and the Offense finally out there with "Do it because you got to do it." energy.
  14. Maybe should have hit Kincaid on the hot on 2nd down.
  15. He fought for it though, if NE didn't do as good a job getting more bodies on him I think he might of been able to get it that time.
  16. Them doing it specifically without Watson is comical, though that ownership deserves none of it.
  17. Wind gust just yanked that ball, I mean what the hell.
  18. Hate that sack. Allen to Kincaid right now though.
  19. Or, if we continue to fix his terrible analogy, hide behind children, so you know besides all of it, it's a great analogy.
  20. and Josh might "not" play this week from McDermott. 🙄
  21. Okay to make this clear Torrence was moving to help out Brown, then Josh came in from the top rope and Torrence switched targets to getting his QB out of there. I doubt any of them was expecting the QB to fly in there like that.
  22. Torrence was about to step in, he changed course when QB1 was squaring up with a LBer.
  23. This is an adorable brief moment, right before Trump has no idea who this crazy lady who has absolutely nothing to do with him is.
  24. It is there holiday. Can't a man stub his toe without having NFL cameras in his face.
  25. Well, if nothing else it's not like he counts against the salary cap.
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