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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Got a cool new robot leg with a racing stripe.
  2. I get what you're saying but both of our passing TDs came after that, Josh was still throwing just as well. McDermott has gone for it on 4th down in the past and I know he'll do it, the punting in those situations was the right call. The switching gears on offense and getting away from that up tempo offense that had been working all night wasn't. A 3 score lead is much better than a 2 score one, with a 2 score lead the other team scores a TD like they did and they're immediately breathing down your neck.
  3. Am I misremembering things or did this end up on the broadcast when they did the Stevie Johonson and Fitz bit?
  4. The reason it got so bad is despite the fact that the Bills should have clearly blown out the Bucs we somehow managed to find a way to potentially lose on the last play of the game. Having games like that every week is ***** exhausting. On the positive the offense showed that it indeed can be very effective, they ran the fast tempo offense spreading the ball around giving Josh time to scan the defense and find the opening to dice them up. The Bucs slowed us down in the red zone through a combination of us going back to the bad play calling and them just having one of the best red zone defenses in the league. Defense also played well this game, they made a few mistakes but overall played a good game. Problem was that once we got a 14 point lead in the second half, it seemed like we decided to stop doing what was working on offense to try and burn clock, which ironically did the opposite. So instead of a dominant win we watched the game end with us hanging on by our fingernails, and that's just frustrating. Which leads to fans to release that pent up frustration here.
  5. It did look like they were Offside we just didn't get the call that time, either way it doesn't matter, because whether you get the call or not you still have to ***** block!
  6. Absolutely, hell a bunch of the time even in the up tempo offense Allen would take enough time breaking down the defense and audibling that he used up most of the playclock. The key is awareness if Josh knows he's got to do it he's shown he's more than capable of making the decisions to keep the clock rolling, plus odds are there's a big playclock on either end of the field telling him how much time he has to burn.
  7. I think there was like a weird holding call maybe off of a run down field that moved it to 1st and 12 or 13 maybe then a 5 yard penalty for Offside?
  8. I think it's tough because while everybody would obviously want the calls to get made right all the time they also want the right level of flexibility that avoids just a bunch of ticky tack calls being made all the time.
  9. Haven't we put teams on shorter fields plenty of times doing this?
  10. I know that's been the narrative about him coming out, but I remember in preseason he looked a lot better than expected as a blocker.
  11. I hope if nothing else the players take ownership of it and reinforce how effective it clearly was, because for whatever reason we did move away from it. Then even after the Bucs crazy lucky ass drive we still stayed away, even though we just needed to last long enough to be able to burn the clock on downs. So we just needed to convert a couple first downs.
  12. Poyer almost had two picks there was another one he missed, then you add in the 4th down penalties, the Buccaneers getting within range of winning that game was a miracle. Not to mention our own kneecapping of our offense because we wanted to "burn clock" which was incredibly effective seeing how we had to give the ball to the other team. 🙄
  13. So you're saying it's the last thing they'll expect-Dorsey apparently.
  14. We literally ran the QB sneak later, and commentators joked that the fans where asking where that was earlier.
  15. I think I agree with how the postgame talked about him, he's still working his way back, he'll get his bend back as the season goes on.
  16. Dorsey and McDermott Both somehow found a way to both get the team to play very well this week while simultaneously still finding a way to make us question what they could possibly be thinking when they make decisions at any given moment.
  17. It definitely looked cool, trouble is he went out of bounds so quick though, that probably counts against it.
  18. Just a random thing I saw that said he wasn't a likely candidate to go to Miami because he didn't fit that offense because the pass catching part of his game had deteriorated for whatever that is worth, haven't actually paid attention.
  19. The offense was great when they let it be great. Absolutely McDermott decided a 14 pt lead was good enough to start playing clock burning football and it killed our offensive momentum. Which is something he needs to pay attention to because you can't burn clock when you don't get 1st downs. That's what's more important if he wants to actually burn clock, doesn't matter if the play style goes against conventional wisdom of a run first and short pass game to do it. If you don't hang on to the ball your not going to burn the clock.
  20. The run was bad enough, the follow up "I hope they don't pick this off and run it all the way back for 6," I died a little inside after that play.
  21. They were constantly talking about if he was still there like they didn't believe he would be.
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