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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Rookie adjacent, didn't play until week 18 last season.
  2. Kind of weird for the WTFs feels like that rookie QB hasn't been alright, so they're shipping off key pieces now?
  3. When you're the guy in charge for over a decade I'm not sure how you avoid responsibility for such a massive security failure.
  4. Kind of feels like this is just the narrative that guy is putting out there.
  5. At the same time it also makes sense to hang on to a guy like that if you're going to draft high for a rookie QB next year.
  6. He'd probably handle it better than his current situation.
  7. You brought up a specific incident saying they didn't enforce the law, laws aren't effective if you don't enforce them, they're just ***** words otherwise. It's not rocket science. I already explained what I meant when I said childish though it seems fitting sense you're falling right into it at the end of your post. While I do enjoy your last sentence, which statement is this that I made exactly? But anyway you wanted any sort of plan, how about some common sense gun laws/regulations on a National level so we don't have all this State by State loophole bull####. Just took 7hrs from reacting to come up with this thought provoking response, well it's not like I expected any better.
  8. Yeah it's an MVP bet, by it's nature very unlikely, you're betting on 1 among many of the too guys and only 1 wins and a lot goes into it and a lot can go wrong. The point is right now I wouldn't really rate Josh's odds that different from the others the field is a mess right now. Josh has played well enough and still has the right big games to be able to make a run. So the disparity between his odds and the others make it a good value bet.
  9. Honestly if that's the line just betting wise that's probably a pretty good one to make, he's only perceived to be behind the others that could change real quick.
  10. I mean I certainly like the Lions more, but I don't really have that level of hatred for the Raiders.
  11. I feel no need to defend Hamas, as to the Hospital explosion, I have no idea which side caused that. Israel says they didn't do it, this is of course after they already took credit for it originally, they also put out fake videos and a fake audio conversation. Hamas or someone put out fakes going the other way as well. So who the hell knows, it's not like an independent observer was allowed to go in and investigate. What I do know is that this does seem to be going on. Israel seems to be just bombing the ever loving ***** out of Gaza, and I'm not sure how actually effective that is against Hamas. From everything people have been saying here Hamas is dug in like a tick in all those tunnels, seems like they'd ride out the bombings fairly well. So who is actually the target of this, what's the plan? So far it feels like it killed a bunch of civilians and is making life worse for them, just driving up recruitment for Hamas like Israel's their best supporter.
  12. Never said anything about just giving up, but if you're basically doing nothing but keeping yourself stuck in purgatory you should maybe come up with a new plan.
  13. To not just take reports at face value and do some fact checking, yeah absolutely, that specific tweet not so much that appears to be a staged protest from years ago in a different country.
  14. Seems a little contradictory when you just used it to tell people to not believe reports at face value.
  15. 🤔 It wasn't even hard, like less than 30 seconds.
  16. I mean who knows maybe this will be the shittiest playoffs ever and they'll be the last crappy team standing....feels like a weird strategy for them to pin their hopes on.
  17. That seems dumb, like who thinks even with a better defense they've got a shot?
  18. Yes and that's why you don't understand it.
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