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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Yeah I've been losing faith in McDermott more and more, doesn't make this article any better, the fact that it aligns with what you want apparently doesn't somehow make it bulletproof.
  2. I must of missed where McDermott was a co-author of this article.
  3. The group of guys all got together when they weren't supposed to at the coaches house, with the way the NFL was enforcing the Covid rules back then we could have gotten hosed on that. It wasn't exactly a small gift for a position coach.
  4. Yeah of course it is, there's nothing wrong with your players liking you, but there does need to be a degree of separation because of the difference in your roles.
  5. Everybody is missing the damn point, he's the WR Coach, it's his job to get up in their faces too not just be their buddy.
  6. Yeah there is plenty of spinning of things in the article to frame it in a specific way. When it gets into the post 13 seconds game talking about him putting blame other places and not taking accountability. Which to be fair if a lot of that was said that's not a great look, but the way that part ends with him saying the last thing he told players was to reflect and to think about what they could do so you wouldn't be in this situation again, that one isn't bad. That's a standard the season didn't end how we wanted and we're headed into the offseason thing to say. But that's not how it's framed. 😬
  7. So is this a positive or a negative for Dunne? Isn't that just the Jets state of being? Or the infamous New York media, which they kind of create themselves by hyping it up.
  8. Are you being sarcastic or is there actual things being put out that you for some reason haven't linked or posted here?
  9. All of it is rolled up together, why in the world would McDermott look at it as not coming from the same overall thing.
  10. News is information reported without opinion this wasn't that at all, hell this was a ton of opinion with quotes. Yeah I don't care if you agree with the things said in this article or not it is what it is, and it is an attack on his character, he has a right to be upset about that part, and people pretending it isn't are just being ridiculous.
  11. Hey we don't know that, that's what this is for:
  12. It's an opinion piece it isn't news, and why don't you find where I said they shouldn't do either of those things you decided to just copy and paste if that's what you're saying. Someone said it didn't attack his character it did, saying it didn't is just ridiculous.
  13. That wasn't journalism, a bunch of quotes surrounded with his own opinion that frames a narrative he's trying to create, yeah that's not it.
  14. Being called a narcissist is often seen as a compliment.
  15. He's still got the card stuck on there.
  16. It was nice while it lasted, guess a Freudian slip will have to do.
  17. Good leadership from the players if nowhere else could definitely use it to help cement the mentality of ***** everyone else and draw everybody together.
  18. He did actually get that ref fired.....wait is that why this keeps happening to us?
  19. Basically from what I remember, McDermott=old man who can't relate to younger players and is jealous of Hall who does. His reaction to Hall getting the Truck from the WR room for Christmas was to tell him he doesn't pay him to be their friend or something like that grumble grumble grumpy old man.
  20. If he does somehow play at this point it's going to feel like they shot him up and is pretty unethical as all *****.
  21. If nothing else it's nice this got you to admit this part, now if you'd admit the Dolphins fan part and there'd be a nice silver lining.
  22. Yeah sure that's the case, it's not even remotely conceivable he just didn't bother to rethink how he should write that part when reality changed. 🙄
  23. So the player went from being a starter here to not being a starter on a different team and was "currently happy" that's your theory?
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