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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I think a lot of people have been saying the Chiefs weak point is that they're weapons are basically Kelce and an empty cupboard. I mean if we make it in maybe not.
  2. Were there no other negative angles for him to casually slide in as he talked about the game?
  3. Sounded like Knox played well though.🤷‍♂️ It's not like you can only use one.
  4. This isn't technically wrong but it's not like we can save it for last. I think the game went pretty well it was a hard fought game and we've always played each other tough, it's practically a division game at this point.
  5. If we'd kept using there would have been some sort have meltdown and Kansas City would have been unlivable and not just because of Chiefs Planet.
  6. To be fair we're seeing like mid interaction, he probably already did some congratulating, or he damn well better have.
  7. Yep they were at 3-2 so he lost his lead and they're tied now at 3-3. Someone in the replies on that tweet talked about how good a relationship the two have and that he was venting to Josh. I suppose that's probably true and what it is but it's also pretty damn oblivious not take into account the situation Josh is in at the moment with that crap.
  8. I was going to say maybe that's something adding to his bad mood that he lost the lead in their head to head. Wow what an #######. You can see Allen's initial reaction like WTF and then immediatly just switches to being a bro and then ducks out.
  9. I was thinking more our luck, then how eh that whole situation might be in reality. But yeah with her recanting everything it might all kind of go away to a degree, even the evidence they have the bruises and if the recordings are just sound then it really all becomes based on what she tells them with that as corroboration of that, but not cooperating, there's always false reporting but I don't think they really want to do that in those cases. But I don't really know this stuff so I could just be completely ***** wrong.
  10. He should be back by the time he gets suspended. He absolutely deserves it for that childish reaction of his.
  11. Absolutely we've had enough ***** luck this season to enjoy it when it actually bounces our way for once.
  12. Or maybe they actually make this call. They know they're all getting interviewed after the game, don't think it's weird they wanted to focus on getting a win and then responding it certainly helped reinforce the message. "What he paid them, all he gave me was candy."
  13. Absolutely if he didn't specifically target the refs the story would be that idiot lining up in the wrong spot, like it ***** should be for the Chiefs.
  14. Oh they're absolutely getting fined, this penalty was ***** obvious and they're bitching up a storm about it, NFL darlings or not they're not putting up with that. It's tough to swallow it's like I've got a frog in my throat.
  15. Well he's wrong.
  16. He's going to milk that lost TD for all it's worth.
  17. Well let's hope people are understanding of everything 4 years from now.
  18. Yeah they made it up with some ticky tak holding calls that the Chiefs never seemed to commit.
  19. Pressure got to him immediatly and he didn't get to that read yet. 😢
  20. 😭 He's so salty about it he's complaining about the calls last week that he didn't say anything about I guess.
  21. Knox seemed fine.
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