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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. To summarize they didn't do any of that *****. They rose to power in 1933 after the Great Depression and one of their first economic decisions was privatizing those industries, so I guess you can look at that thing made 13 years before they were in power, while the party was still working with that group they'd also eventually start rounding up and sending to concentration camps, or you could look at what they actually ***** did when they were in power.🤷‍♂️
  2. If that was ever his actual plan him and Beane have never drafted or signed the free agents at O-line to make me think that's been their plan, it would make no ***** sense.
  3. Or if you actually processed the information you'd see that it said that a lot of countries did that because of the Great Depression including the previous German government as in the one before the Nazis, but I understand reading must be hard.
  4. Or you know the exact opposite? http://www.ub.edu/graap/nazi.pdf https://www.jstor.org/stable/27771569 Privatizing banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, and welfare organizations doesn't seem very socialist or if we're being accurate to what people are actually talking about Communism.
  5. Beyond that horrible death toll, at the end of the day someone is going to have to have responsibility for security in Gaza in the aftermath that's unavoidable and there's no way Israel is leaving it to Hamas when there entire goal now is to destroy them. Whether that should be Israel, a U.N. force, or Palestinian Authority is up for debate. Though while the latter might be more welcome I'm not sure how well they'd be able to do it as well as provide relief. U.N. feels like the best case to also provide help and eventually transition to their own control.
  6. Just basic ***** logic, it's one of the top 4 non player positions on the team, hell top 3 since McDermott is also the acting DC. There's no way ownership is going to want that position pulled without input/consultation.
  7. He'd still need the okay from ownership to fire someone at the level of an Offensive Coordinator.
  8. This is all speculation obviously, but even if that is the case despite being the HC to fire someone at the level of an OC McDermott would need approval from the top. That doesn't really make any sense, what was this defensive mindset to instead of a shootout just get shot? From Dorsey's side I could see the up tempo being embarrassing because it seemingly puts a lot more of the decision making into the hands of the QB.
  9. So what are you saying if there wasn't such a cloud it would have had to of bounced off of something like a gloved hand or something?
  10. Does he just not have permission to fire his OC so he's wording his way around it? Because this doesn't exactly match up.
  11. Wasn't he the CB that kept breaking up passes? Yeah we better get him off the field can't be having that.
  12. McDermott is the head coach but at the same time a decision like firing an offensive coordinator probably needs the backing from up top.
  13. Dorsey said they went away from it after the first drive meaning that's what they were in on the first drive, also it still ***** worked when they went back to it later in the game.
  14. Just a reminder for anyone not paying attention, we started that first drive that resulted in a TD on our own ***** 15 YARDLINE!
  15. Seems reading the date or even the literal post above you to understand the context isn't your strongsuit.
  16. If he's fired someone else will be the interim play caller just calling the plays of the same offense.
  17. They didn't seem to sound bad but nobody defended him which is essentially Bills speak for bad.
  18. It made all the sense in the world at the time, it would keep continuity with the offense Josh loved and the team already knew. Nobody thought Dorsey would be awful there was no talk about that. Coming on here with hindsight like of course this was a terrible idea is ridiculous.
  19. Do we actually go into the up tempo in the 4th with a 5th quarter?
  20. The way it feels and sounds now it's not complicated anymore, fire Dorsey make Brady the interim play caller with those other offensive minds you brought in to help, or have one of them do it. Either way it makes a change that is necessary it's not like we're changing the offense just who's calling plays Dorsey ain't it in that regard for sure.
  21. Is it just that he's in an awkward position on what to do about Dorsey?
  22. Considering it now feels like we're pushing the bloated corpse of Poona Ford off into the ocean on an ice flow, yeah might have been nice to have gone in a different direction.
  23. 🤔......Sean YOU'RE THE ***** HEAD COACH!
  24. Season isn't over, but Right ***** Tackle. The play where Spencer Brown got confused turned sideways and let both defenders rush past him from front and back immediately to ***** up the play had me seeing spots.
  25. Did I have a stroke, I swear this already ***** happened, and then the next week we spontaneously decided to stop doing it after 1 drive into the game.
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