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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. We can still technically make it to the dance, maybe get another swing at these #######s with different referees.
  2. Yes if the refs had been balanced very good chance we win this game, still we should have won anyway and a lot of that comes down to the decisions McDermott made, not to mention it was frustrating as hell seeing him politely talk to the refs after Allen got the intentional grounding penalty after the horse collar like WTH?
  3. The problem is at some point something has to change because it's not getting done despite their appearing to be enough talent for us to do better than we are doing. Problems seem to consistently happen at the game management level and that's happened before, it's just off, I love a lot of what he's done here but you can't live off that forever and more importantly you've got Josh Allen and you shouldn't waste the time you've got him. Sometimes things just don't work out the way you want them too and I've increasingly found myself thinking that with McDermott.
  4. Allen essentially did it twice this game, he should have got the TD but Gabe got lost, and we couldn't go for it on 4th down because clearly the plan was to let the Eagles get into FG range as was shown by the defense that followed.
  5. I will say the Bills should have won that game anyway, but it is also still true with better officiating they probably would have been up by more than 17-7(don't know the Eagles even would have had that 7) at half time, with that there's a good chance they would have won even with the Eagles playing better in the second half. Both those things can be true, it is what is.
  6. Hurts INT and Fumble guess the Eagles double lossed....oh they must of canceled out.
  7. A lot of things in this game kind of highlighted the problems with McDermott, and while it got even harder there's still a path for the Bills to make the playoffs. Because as much as this sucked one thing seemed somewhat clear Brady and the offense wasn't a complete fluke they could absolutely go on a run, especially if we're not having as ridiculous Reffed a game as that was. Focusing on McDermott, things that bugged me in this game his reaction to the refs, I get not wanting to make things worse, but when Allen got horse collared and they called a penalty on him and McDermott was talking to them politely, it was like "WTF am I watching here get in there face there being ***** ridiculous!" The defense in the first half was great they shut the Eagles down extremely well. The defense towards the end of the game was the same as always, it's like why do we change what works. I find myself thinking the same thing I think about burning clock it doesn't matter if it's passing or running you have to get first downs and keep the ball to burn clock and prevent D only works if you actually prevent them from moving the ball. If you're defense devolves into being so scared of the big play that it gets carved up inside and they just hurry up and hustle as they dink and dunk down into FG range what's even the point. Then once their down in the redzone and your defense is gassed from being worked down the field hopefully they don't break and give up a TD. 😒 The decision to kneel out the 20 seconds was aggravating, we have Josh Allen they have no timeouts be aggressive take some shots knowing you can't risk turning the ball over and maybe you give yourself a chance to win the game. McDermott was lucky we even won the coin toss and have some more missed calls and a bad route to be angry at, though we still got watch his standard soft prevent defense prevent nothing. It's frustrating because in a lot of ways he's been a very good coach he has made a great culture here and is overall a good defensive coach. But I don't know it's like he's trying too hard to make the right decision instead of just doing it, like he doesn't have that killer instinct for it maybe? Like he has it at times as a DC he can call some great defensive schemes but his feel for when to do things in the game just feels off, like when he'll have us switch to a clock burning offense when we're up by 14 at the start of the second half of a game when we should probably try and make sure to get up by more than 2 scores.
  8. Josh threw 2 TDs and ran 2 more and should have had a 5th one if Gabe ran the right route hell shouldn't he have had a 6th one if Cook could catch the ball? How about the defense makes some stops at the end of the game. 🤷‍♂️ We're not even counting the times he got us in FG range but missed.
  9. Only in that it's better than a loss, but no after everything that this team has done today they need to win.
  10. It'd be a great time to call penalties on the Eagles to make it seem like you weren't biased the entire time, I mean I'm just saying. 🤷‍♂️
  11. I hope the plan wasn't to burn clock, we really just weren't in a position to run it out and score to basically end the game. Better off scoring with more time so we'd be in position to try and save enough time to have our own shot if we can't get a stop. If we do get a stop then we can burn clock.
  12. There's been what one penalty on the Eagles today, at this point they know they're not getting called it's ***** ridiculous and honestly dangerous.
  13. What could have possibly happened to the old one. 😒
  14. That honestly wouldn't be surprising, remember the Chiefs in week 1 they got away with murder on the O-line all game but something must have matriculated down to the refs because they got ***** on those calls they were getting away with at the end. Very possibly because of how badly it was getting called out on both social media and even the broadcast. Well the social media definitely calling it out and the broadcast definitely called out that horse collar.
  15. It's an impressive strategy they have this week, I could have sworn you were only allowed 12 players on offense or defense but they've somehow managed to get more players on the field by putting them in black and white uniforms. I bet, it's been rather blatant and the fact that we've been beating them pretty good and should be up by even more makes it all the more obvious.
  16. I'll take him somehow finding a way to still put up points despite a pretty heavy hand being put on the scale against them.
  17. My stream was way behind but I was guessing he caught it in the middle of the endzone and sat down and was naturally going to be ruled to have caught it a foot out of bounds.
  18. Not because we got the ball first but just because that's what the Refs felt like today.
  19. Sherfield didn't run the right route but the PI also didn't help. ***** THESE REFS!
  20. McDermott stop being polite yell at these biased *****!
  21. DB pulled on his jersey even if he could have kept his balance to turn it up field that knocked him off it.
  22. When the DB tackles the WR before the ball gets there it's a pretty obvious call that should have been made.
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