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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Honestly the narrative on Allen from the Eagles game is downright offensive, like WTF?
  2. It's one of the reasons I want to find a way to the playoffs, get another shot at these #######s because ***** em, they sure as hell didn't deserve this win.
  3. Lost in a local Hedge Maze with Elam, will hopefully escape by next offseason.
  4. I don't care if we took a ***** in their cereal the morning of, it's the season win the ***** game.
  5. If it somehow was a thing that happened then it would likely be because New England moved on from him, and he wants the Wins record and to solidify his legacy apart from Tom. In which case he wouldn't care about breaking up an offense that's working or maybe even taking over for a GM that's solid though he'd definitely have input. Still gross as hell though.
  6. So Cover 1 seems to think it's on Allen...but they also seem to think these are the same play. Perhaps I'm blind but isn't that a safety still in the middle of the field in the second clip?
  7. Yeah saw that, what a bunch of lying pieces of *****.
  8. Elam was rotating with the later round pick who beat him for the job at CB2 his 1st season and is starting this season. Epenesa was in the rotation and has been in the rotation as his performance has fluctuated over the seasons. Pretty sure Ford ended up starting until he lost the job, Moss was RB2. Overall this was a terrible take.
  9. Who are they, we don't take offensive players in the 1st or 2nd rounds except 3 times in the last 2 drafts.
  10. Yes it's the officiating that just pisses me off and makes it hard to let go, like if it was just the bad coaching at the end or missed execution it'd be aggravating but you'd just move on and try and just ignore football for a while. But yeah they should have won anyway but if the officiating was balanced I can't see them losing even with those other factors and that's the kick in the nuts. The other thing is has flipped things around sure there are some missed plays that ***** hurt in that game a lot but the narrative that's still being preached by all these #######s about Allen is the same. If we'd won they sure as hell couldn't have done that and that pisses me off more too.
  11. That's like the opposite of how you do that, you get young playmakers in the draft for your Franchise QB because that's when you can afford them. You rely on them to be able to bring them up to the NFL level and get the best out of them before they either become too expensive for you to keep or you have to shuffle your deck and lose other pieces on your roster to keep them.
  12. WR makes way too much sense, Gabe is either gone or here cheaply the way he's playing, we need a WR2 who can eventually fill the roll of WR1 as Diggs ages out. For all the shade people give about defensive picks last draft we took a TE 1st round and a guard in the 2nd. We're not allergic to making offensive picks.
  13. Well he probably be silently removed by not being on the new one.
  14. Schrodinger's curse? It wasn't named after the animal though.
  15. So I looked at this and technically it does say where you can grab in the first sentence that's what that sentence is doing. Still it doesn't matter in this case because you can just watch the damn replay. Allen isn't going down while he's grabbing the front of his jersey he's doing that thing he does stiff arming him and moving to the right. Then the arm lands up for the horse collar and low and behold Allen gets pulled to the ground by some mysterious force. The penalty is obvious and blatant.
  16. There were no holding penalties called on them at all, there were 4 penalties on them for 30 yards. Think about that 30 yards 4 penalties almost as if they wanted to increase the number with as few yards as possible. Hell the only serious yardage penalty they took was the roughing the passer one everything else was 5 yards.
  17. Might as well go for it, if we make the playoffs we can go on a run, if we don't we'll still be in a position to take a shot at WR in the draft which is what we should take.
  18. You know what was also fun about how the officiating played out in this game? It's how it changed as the game went on, so 1st half just blatant bias for the Eagles they're getting away with everything and the Bills are getting murdered with calls. 2nd half comes along and it seems like word came along from upstairs that this ***** was getting out of hand, way too noticeable better cut it out your getting called out on social media and even on the broadcast. So what's Hochuli to do call a balanced game on the Eagles....***** that can't stomach doing that, so whats he do? 2nd half how about no penalties at all. On the surface seems fair for both teams, but what do you think happens in that situation? A. The Eagles keep abusing the refs leniency, while the Bills having no reason to trust that they won't be penalized into oblivion absolutely don't. or B. Both teams take advantage of the situation equally. Everybody got their final answer? Alright well if you picked A. or B. I'm sorry your wrong it was C. C. It's all a ***** trap. Even if the Bills did take advantage of the situation it just would put Hochuli in the perfect position to start calling penalties on obvious things that nobody would really be able to complain about the calls. At the end of the game I think since the Bills didn't trust him which was actually probably the best call and since we were managed to be in a position to win all the way into OT, and maybe another call got made about ridiculous things not being called so he finally had to call a few on the Eagles poor him. 😢 Or at least that's what it all ***** felt like.
  19. Yes he was wrong for like 2-3 reasons, or more accurately he lied.
  20. After all the ***** they went through in that game the players can either get sad or get mad.
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