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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Then they'll just have to completely build an offense for him, maybe Bill will draft some WRs....those poor kids.
  2. It's weird they traded their team captain who played his ass off for them and well and that everyone on the team loved, and somehow that pissed the locker-room off into playing well.
  3. Why are they going to hire some fans? Their advantage will be out of season in the playoffs, the only difference is them not having a disadvantage dealing with winter weather that they suck in. Yeah I'm sure the Eagles got favorable calls, that didn't prevent us from putting up points, and the Dolphins are supposed to have the most explosive offense in the league and only scored 17 points, and scored 0 in the 4th. They don't play well against good defenses.
  4. If they don't draft a WR in the 1st round Rogers might have a stroke.
  5. Tied a word that does not mean leading. So are we counting him having more fumbles and fumbles lost him leading as well?
  6. If you're worried about the Chiefs game they would have had to announced in the previous week I believe so you're safe. Yeah double checked the decision is made 12 days in advance. So probably not Dallas either unless they're psychic about the results of this one.
  7. Definitely feels this way, at the start of the season my feeling was when the defense was working pre-injuries that we were the offense really fully figuring it out away from being the top team in the league. We were playing well then but maybe that feeling of the offense just not being completely in gear/sync or something was a sign of what would happen later I don't know I just thought they could be firing on all cylinders at the time. But then defense gets hurt and the offense runs into a wall plus McDermott starts coaching like he's got his head stuck in a bag. But the players we brought in on defense have it playing at a solid enough level if McDermott can get his head out of his ass, and the new OC has the offense starting to kick it into gear finally. Maybe we aren't as good as we could have been and our record is a hell of a handicap but we can still be damn good and the rest of the AFC has taken some shots to the knee. So yeah I think we look like the toughest team in the AFC, it's us or Baltimore. Wow I bet he didn't think about our record at all what an amazing and well thought out post. 🙄
  8. If by screwed you mean they failed to have the game completely gifted to them on the last drive, sure. Hell if anything you should use that as motivation they ran out of juice, or the league was tired of carrying that busted ass offense. No the narrative right now is that we're dead in the water, dead teams don't get flexed. Maybe Dallas, or more likely the Miami game could get flexed but not this one, besides it was the reserved game anyway by CBS.
  9. 3-4 TDs and leave Allen in the dust...well he did catch up in passing TDs by having 2 so you know not the 3-4 day you predicted, as to leaving him in the dust in other categories yeah he didn't really do that. As to his dominating performance his running backs had a hell of a day with 3 TDs. Obviously he had a good day but he definitely didn't do what you said he would. Honestly with the schedule the Dolphins have left I wouldn't be surprised if Allen passed him in passing TDs and yards again.
  10. If they just went over it a bit sure, though as has been pointed out hailmary plays almost never draw PI penalties in either direction and they should note that, by the sounds of it though they above and beyond that which is where the issue would be.
  11. I guess they could always bring up Daniel Sorenson.
  12. If they're bemoaning a missed call anyway doesn't seem like that'd be the issue. It seems it's more like the whole framing the whole situation like this one bad call that went against Mahomes and the Chiefs is why it didn't go their way, when obviously a bunch of other calls were seriously in their favor on that drive. It's misleading and biased.
  13. Yes that KC offense is as stoppable as it's ever been, the saddest thing is we don't have Tre White, Matt Milano, and Daquan Jones in the defense would be a sight to see the defense at start of the season, hell it'd be beautiful to see the defense at the start plus Linval Joseph and Rasul Douglas against this offense.
  14. Or the Chiefs are on a skid playing a team that's playing with everything on the ***** line.
  15. No PI on a Hailmary to give Mahomes a shot to try a 2pt conversion oh the humanity, the injustice, what kind of world are we living in. Meanwhile last week in overtime.
  16. I do think the way they handled his injury took a toll on him later in the season, I mean no need to rest your ankle sprain for a week or anything will just put some shots in it so you don't feel it and you can go run and play on it. What's the worst that could happen.
  17. It's going to sound weird considering where we are, but besides coaching decisions the Bills are really the team in the AFC that at times can play the best on both sides of the football. Since the offense has turned around that's just my thoughts. It is what it is. McDermott and that prevent defense at the end of the Eagles game make no sense to me, but when our secondary doesn't have a bunch of head injuries it's decent enough and the D-line is good so when it's attacking it's solid.
  18. Bills are playing for their season, I do not care just kick their ass.
  19. It sounds like they got way too much help on that drive for anyone to give a damn about a missed PI.
  20. bUt mAhOmEs DoEsNT THrOw cRitIcaL InTerCePtIoNs.
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