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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I'm glad we got some good guards on this team finally because watching Wyatt Teller play still makes me tear up a little.
  2. Can they give us the game Pats-Steelers failed to deliver.
  3. It knocks down a team that has a tie breaker with us but it won't really matter if the Colts are still there.
  4. As long as they lose one more time and we win out it'd be nice if they beat the Colts.
  5. I don't care, if we can find a way to get there and everyone wants to hate us good ***** em, we've been getting ***** on all year and having to deal with this crap if they can't see that, that's there problem.
  6. So the guy that just got fired and has been watching the offense immediately turn things around without him is one of the sources?
  7. Feels like you can just look at the bolded look at the rest and promptly ignore everything else you say.
  8. First lets see them actually do it, I'm hopeful but let's not put the cart before the horse. They do it and it'll be more telling what they say in the postgame.
  9. So I obviously don't know how it works, but my issue when I heard he posted bail and they were saying he wasn't charged is that what was the bail for? What are you paying bail to be released for if you are not charged with a crime? Like that doesn't make any sense to me. Like if he hadn't posted bail what would he be sitting in jail for?
  10. What? Don't think about it that hard it's both. When you're making an ad for a mail in your ***** colon test kit your best bet is to lean into the humor of the whole thing.
  11. Yeah no one was worrying about this at all at the time, definitely not something the Head Coach would want to make sure wasn't a problem going forward. He literally said it fit his narrative, journalistic integrity right there. 🤣
  12. It's kind of crazy how much high end players make in baseball while the NFL makes $8 Billion more than the MLB a year.
  13. I'd think if that was the case he'd be on his active cycle that doesn't take up a roster spot already wouldn't he? Yeah legal issues aside which is a big ***** thing, if Von could play at the level he was this D-line would be ridiculous.
  14. So what, we dodged a bullet so it shouldn't be addressed? Other teams weren't as lucky, and it was the entire WR room. The point of the meeting as it's been described was to clarify things for the players that weren't with the team at the time, the ones that had been here he'd already done that with immediatly after making the mistake. So all these comments make a lot of sense from that perspective. I wouldn't be surprised if the thinking from Allen or even Diggs is that the response should be on Sunday. Hell they're bound to get interviewed after the game anyway.
  15. He's being defensive because the question was so vague that he had to attach all the negative aspects himself.
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