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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Of course he says he doesn't hold anything against the Bills, no team has been willing to sign him why would he publicly say anything against one of them. If he did end up coming back here it'd feel like he was doing it to prove a point about how the charges had been cleared and the team that cut him took him back.
  2. That would actually make a lot of sense with Daquan Jones looking like he's on the road back his days are numbered anyway and it's not like he's ever active.
  3. But we never even found out when he went on IR, the whole situation was handled so strange.
  4. There's going to be fines, no way there isn't the NFL has no interest in players and coaches going after officiating especially when they're not even right.
  5. It's nice to know Goodell's experiment with the Bills in London was a success. 😒
  6. Yep not really all that subtle and you know what the head start looked like it helped.
  7. Yeah it is hard to emphasize how huge a loss that Titans game was for the division for them, and it was basically handed to them.
  8. It's not like we even tried not putting a dome on the new stadium.
  9. We're on to Shady Oaks Retirment Home. Is that what actually happened? because I believe he may have put a curse on that reporter.
  10. Yes if the Bills lose 1 the Dolphins need to lose 2 more instead just 1 before our game, though that's very doable with their schedule and injuries.
  11. It's kind of ridiculous to be in a place to have to require something like that, like requiring people to wear a helmet so they don't hurt themselves, but as long as it works accurately who cares it should only be a problem if you're ***** up. Feels like for someone to pull that off you'd either have to be dedicated to being ####### which could get you into worse trouble when you get caught, or whatever workaround there is if it requires you to do it each time you probably aren't going to have as easy of a time doing it when you're not sober.
  12. That forum doesn't fail to be awful. Sad thing, not fully reported yet it sounds like but if he was drunk at least he didn't hit anyone else.
  13. Winner was Levis, which I kind of liked the spirit of it like he certainly had the will if not the actual result. Probably should have been the Allen and the herd but I get it he's already got 4.
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