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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Yeah and if Hughes wasn't on their ***** list before he definitely was after that.
  2. If I remember right he was trying to cash in on that moment as the Bills were getting popular again, which offended people and killed any use of it by the team. Which eh I can see it both ways, from general fans perspective you don't really want such a genuine moment ruined by anything like that, but for him he's constantly had his image used repeatedly I could see wanting to get something out of it. Whole thing is just kind of unfortunate.
  3. He's really made the best of his exile.
  4. That ref actually got fired. But as to the larger point the NFL wants to protect the image of the game. Which I know everyone hates and complains about the officiating but there is a difference between fans and outside voices doing that and if it became open season and all the players and coaches started doing it. Also they need people to actually do the job and that kind of environment doesn't seem very inviting.
  5. Yeah Mahomes as whiny as it was came off more as venting while Reid's comments were more offensive to the refs and questioning of the call, and certainly more memorable. Like Mahomes trying to remember and the most memorable things are calls deciding games and should be a highlight for Kelce.
  6. I suppose and if they could also make the Browns choke on a rock that'd be nice too.
  7. The way the AFC is lining up getting in at 9-8 would be a ***** miracle, so why even bother.
  8. When one team takes a different QB over him and the other team is putting it off to take another one the next year who ends up being right up there with him in terms of ability, yeah I'd say that's different.
  9. I don't know if the team was in and Daquan Jones was back maybe it's hard to say, the offense definitely seems to be starting to click more, but I can't say it doesn't also feel like maybe they'd be better if Brady was the OC from the beginning in the offseason, plus I worry a bit about Diggs but maybe that was just Spags being good at game planning for him and he'll kick into gear. Either way it's hard to compare because Josh was on ***** fire in that playoff run, seriously game 1 was perfect, like not hyperbolic the offense was literally perfect TDs every drive no turnover or punts. Then he was ridiculous in the Chiefs game that followed, and by all rights he should have gotten past them. So it's hard as hell to just go yeah we'll be better than that.
  10. Colts also play the Texans in week 18.
  11. That'd be unrealistically hilarious, and also raise a possible amusing possibility of Nick Wright rooting for the Bills to beat the Dolphins in week 18 to help the Chiefs get in via wild card.
  12. Vikings definitely played to lose that game, but did anyone else see that missed Roughing the Passer call on the Vikings last drive in regulation? On the sack they hit him helmet to helmet no flag at all. Doubt he would of done anything though.
  13. The Vikings are the Chargers of the NFC.
  14. I suppose I wouldn't hate it since there's a good chance we don't bring back Gabe the way he's just disappeared production wise this year despite Eagles game, but I'd also hope we take a shot at getting a RT that would be able to replace Brown if there's one available.
  15. Kincaid is great and I love that we have a guy that'll be a major threat at the TE position but we do need a legit WR2 and that will grow into Diggs position.
  16. But I learned it by watching you DAD!
  17. Maybe he wants the season to end, watching this team get dragged into the playoffs by his backup would be a little insulting and pointless?
  18. But did he have someone yanking him down by the collar?
  19. None of it matters, just ***** win because it's what you need to do.
  20. Does the fine get worse when the criticism is wrong, didn't watch that game but I'd bet Garret isn't wrong about his complaints.
  21. He does have very good weapons, but probably not.
  22. Oh get over it, he went completely overboard in what he did and getting fined was obviously going to happen. Besides I'd say you could make the case he absolutely attacked their integrity with how he talked about the call.
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