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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I don't know even if they were healthy for those games, but if they're done either Hill or Waddle let alone both along with that O-line that's a recipe for disaster.
  2. Honestly with the amount of ***** they gave the refs after all the help they've been given, I was hoping they'd get given the finger and get to actually experience what it's like on the other end this *****.
  3. But how can you just take away such an amazing play, I mean I hope it's on his highlight film still when he retires.
  4. That and having seen the effort of the offense I doubt they ***** care at this point.
  5. They lose today no way he plays next week, getting into the playoffs at 9-8 in the AFC would have been a miracle at 8-9 no.
  6. What happens when a terrible O-line decides to give up.
  7. It's ***** sad that's it's just right there waiting for them to take it but they just can't.
  8. Right, all I'm saying is that debate aside he doesn't realistically have much of a shot behind that line.
  9. To be clear I never gave a ***** about that, generally don't really like the idea of drafting a RB in round 1 which is what that thread seemed to be advocating, but how the hell is he going to do ***** with that line.
  10. Saw the Jets Offense and went "***** this *****."
  11. Kind of sounds like the Jets came to lose.
  12. Saleh/Hacket: It's the last thing they'll expect.
  13. The Jets defense could always score?
  14. So I don't see how he could have just got the wind knocked out of him.
  15. Hills an ####### that you don't really feel that bad when he gets hurt. Not really the same for Waddle. For Miami I'm meh on feeling bad for them with the injuries we've had at the beginning of the year.
  16. It certainly dramatically increases the odds, the only issue is the one that was always the issue with the Jets they actually have to score.
  17. Yeah and if Hughes wasn't on their ***** list before he definitely was after that.
  18. If I remember right he was trying to cash in on that moment as the Bills were getting popular again, which offended people and killed any use of it by the team. Which eh I can see it both ways, from general fans perspective you don't really want such a genuine moment ruined by anything like that, but for him he's constantly had his image used repeatedly I could see wanting to get something out of it. Whole thing is just kind of unfortunate.
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