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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. It's got to be 5 or 6 at least. Right on the down where it wouldn't have matter if they didn't catch it. 😭
  2. The offensive performance in that game was perfect no punts all TDs. and how many ***** picks is Dak going to get away with throwing.
  3. It's his coming out party for sure, no hiding him after today.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised with a playaction pass though the weather makes me not as sure.
  5. That Dallas defense should be exhausted they got no help from their offense after that long drive.
  6. Another drive like last but with 7 or honestly even 3 and this is over.
  7. Alright it's rainy now, still going to run on them but the name of the game is ball security.
  8. Did Dallas forget to put their O-line out their on 3rd down I mean damn.
  9. The scramble run if it was off an actual pass play damn well should have been play action, I mean we'd been running every ***** play.
  10. Sucks we didn't get 7 but the amount of time we burned getting 3 with the lead we have is a massive win on that drive.
  11. Donkey Kong brother ain't putting up with that *****.
  12. I hope he doesn't get too cute, but he was definitely looking for something to really burn them.
  13. McDermott words coming out the half to the reporter saying he was telling his team to try and take it up another notch further and take the other team's heart away....I mean I can't argue with that.
  14. If that's what McDermott was really saying coming out of the half he certainly has the right mindset.
  15. Wow 4/5 of the games they have at the end of the season are at home.....that's not biased in their favor at all eh NFL.
  16. All week the weather has been reported as crappy rainy and windy, so our gameplan is miraculously run heavy, Brady just seems like such an improvement.
  17. It's kind of ironic way of thinking, we're doing so well right now if you ***** it up you should be fired.
  18. I'm going to guess at least some of them particularly the TEs have also been involved in blocking, wouldn't be surprised if some of the WRs have been involved downfield.
  19. Man the special teams on punt return blocking has been awful.
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