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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I've honestly never paid enough attention to him, he's always been decent if he could work up to good he'd have some years of being very dangerous with the running ability he came into the league before that gets beaten out of him and have an alright career after that. But I'm not sure he managed to thread that needle with the number of injuries he's had.
  2. Reportedly it got hurt when he used it to work Dak like a puppet from the inside.
  3. That would be such a ***** playoffs, can you imagine all these crappy teams get in and leave a raging Buffalo behind. I know it would be awful for us, but just for general NFL watchers it's just ***** lame.
  4. NFL Scheduler chews on hat and swears. Can't make it ***** easy.
  5. Miami really could have done them a solid and gone ahead and lost to the Jets, now the last game between us still relies on both of us and their schedule is tough and ours is easy. 🤷‍♂️
  6. There's ways that lines up either way, there's also ways it lines up with whoever loses doesn't go at all.
  7. This is just obviously false he was targeted more in both games that Knox has been back in, today he didn't do as well with the rain gloves when it wasn't raining. Then we just weren't throwing it.
  8. The old conundrum of an unmoving object versus an unpassable force.
  9. Made me think of this scene couldn't find a gif or pic.
  10. The first penalty I could kind of get though I thought he actually turned out to have missed. The second one was bull#### Dak waited too long to decide to slide when you slide right as the guy is about to hit you, you just lower your head into the hit which is exactly what happened.
  11. They are the decent team in the AFC to worry about and I guess the Chiefs since they played us so hard I'm required to include them.
  12. The idea was obviously to catch them off guard by doing a play instead of a spike, but yeah they were ready.
  13. On the one hand ***** the Jags 🤣, on the other of course Zay Jones makes plays like that now.
  14. Baldy is going to have himself a day.
  15. Wait there making a horror movie about a haunted pool?
  16. I don't care about the seeding just open the damn door and we can start clubbing these baby seals.
  17. Maybe during his brief run from the law before turning himself in the brace popped off like Forest Gump and he could suddenly turn.
  18. It's an indicator of how terrifying Allen is as both a scrambling passer/runner and called runner. The possibility of him having the ball and them getting that wrong is terrifying. Also I'd have to double check I remember in a previous game maybe it was Jets or Eagles, but on some of these Allen will be out wide near Cook almost like an option play. I swear one day it's actually going to happen and Allen is getting the ball back most likely on a run a pass would be insane for the blocking.
  19. Spencer Brown: I've really been struggling pass blocking coach. Kromer: Your not going to have to worry about that much this week.
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