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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Not sure but it was pretty obvious you could see the players running down and the Patriots player knocks the Bills player down from behind.
  2. So we just going to ignore the obvious block in the back or?
  3. DPI only happens on the other team I guess.
  4. So a pretty ***** DPI and just ignoring the stiff arm OPI down the sideline?
  5. Weirdly enough as the season went on it kind of made him better in some ways, his hands offs got more creative.
  6. Yeah that's completely understandable for him to be emotional about, that's the kind of injury that ***** a career. QB WR drafted in the same year seeing each other as best friends, and both coming along well in the NFL, that's special. Seeing that get derailed that'd really ***** suck, not to mention how much you feel for your boy having something like this happen at such a critical time in his career.
  7. I'm sure Andy Reid will jab him with a needle and he'll be ready to go next week.
  8. It's incredibly frustrating this year, the number of games they should have lost, and the number they won on the last play of the game. Then the Bills have a game like the Rams game and of course it doesn't go our way.
  9. That guy in the stripes is pretty good, gets them first downs all the time.
  10. Odd how often there's a penalty when the Chiefs fail to convert on 3rd down....or turn the ball over.
  11. I wonder what Josh got the O-Line this year the way they've been playing.
  12. I mean I'd like that better too, but you have to have at least a few rings for that comparison to come up.
  13. Hammer what an oddly specific grouping of years, I wonder what they have in common.
  14. That's just dumb, the wayback machine exists, no way anyone is forgetting that joke of an article.
  15. I'd root for the Broncos they still play the Chiefs at home and unlike the Chargers they might not choke.
  16. This is a pretty good summation of what's wrong with the Jets at this moment, It's at 3 different levels, Ownership, Coaching, and the QB, all of them are a cluster*****.
  17. That and having trust in the LG.
  18. People seem focused on how Detroit looks after the game with the additional injuries like that's how they looked going into and all game, but reality is those injuries spanned the game and they weren't stopping the Bills at any point. It's like that defense was holding up pretty well despite some big injuries then they ran into the Bills Offense and:
  19. When was the last really good one, sometime in the 2000s?
  20. Kind of hard to measure the distance once the ball enters orbit.
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