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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. I guess we want the Seahawk to win so the Cowboys have more motivation against the Dolphins next week...........oh and ***** the Eagles and the refs they flew in on.
  2. Of course he does, Chiefs game the drive before the amazing play that so tragically was called back by one of the three penalties they could have called on it, Allen got hit in the head no flag could have put us inside the 10 or so with a fresh set of downs but oh well.
  3. They need to hurry up and finish rebuilding Daquan Jones.
  4. Some of them are light enough that they probably wouldn't be flags like the guy stopped enough for it not to be, but enough of them aren't and either way I don't care Allen is smart to punish defenders for being stupid and not pulling up in time, not to mention making them think about that is not a bad thing.
  5. I don't know maybe try to knock the ball loose with your right arm while making sure to down him with the left as you go around him to the left. Definitely not launch your self into his head/neck/spine that ***** was predatory.
  6. Just straight up Hagrid from Harry Potter guys a half-giant. Also can't imagine what number 11 did in a previous life to deserve to have to be lined up against him in high school.
  7. Exactly and I can't even remember how many times in the around the NFL thread I've seen it mentioned he had a pick taken away by a flag it pisses me off. It's worse today after the Dallas game because I just watched Dak who's doing so great at not throwing picks this year throw like 4 or 5 that could have been some right to guys and he only had one. Meanwhile Josh will have a game where he's on fire has 2-3 bad passes and one of them is immediately picked off or one's tipped off a WR directly to a defender, it's ***** maddening.
  8. That team feels like a bloated corpse somehow being dragged across the finish line despite any sort of reasonable sane thinking.
  9. I mean I don't want to agree with the possibility, also the Eagles game makes it seem absurd though maybe they hadn't bought the turnaround yet, but the AFC feels ***** dead, do you really want all these bums in there and not us. Bills are the most exciting team left in the AFC whether it's through injuries or teams like the Chiefs having a down year, it is what it is.
  10. Not to mention the RT being about just as much too far back or the illegal pick Toney performed on said play.
  11. Brady's interview: Wheels in a big old box T.V. with a VCR puts in a tape. "So this us in week 10...."
  12. I'm sure he's thinking "I bet I can get a lot of attention talking to the media about this."
  13. Since Brady has taken over it does seem to have lightened his load and given him a second wind, can't count the Jets game 1st game with Brady and also the Jets don't have an offense. He started to do it against the Eagles then it's like he had a relapse starting in the second half. But it does feel like they're building steam right now and it's a hell of a time to do it. That team came into Buffalo as a top Super Bowl contender and walked out questioning their existence.
  14. Yep a good sell job that negated his own penalty, which he probably deserved for the decision making even if I did think he technically missed and it shouldn't have been called. The second one on the other hand was just bull#### you can't slide that late and not get hit or whine about getting hit in the head when you drop it down yourself.
  15. Honestly the season keeps going the way it's going who is going to want to interview for the job, knowing that unless we somehow get ***** over and he takes a job as a HC, which I'd think would be a mistake get some experience first I mean come on, the job is pretty well set in stone. I guess some guys just looking for experience applying?
  16. Spencer Brown: Coach I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to block Micah Parsons this week what should I do? Brady: What are you crazy we're not going to do that.
  17. For some real optimism with McDermott and how he's looked in the rough stretch, taking on both the HC and DC duties and having his OC just be garbage put massive pressure on him and made everything much worse. With Brady really picking up his end of the load and the team becoming highly motivated from that article it's really given him a second wind at DC and taken a bunch of pressure off decision making.
  18. Looks like Kincaid was in on it too just off to the side.
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