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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Yeah it's not great, when you think about the situation, in this case the guy wrote a story and instead of hiring/paying an artist to draw it he just fed it to a computer. That level art and where you hire some freelancer to do some quick thing or to be the other part of these kind of projects has to be dying with this stuff growing.
  2. The title he came up with for the season was great if they pull it off this year it's perfect. "Not going to lie you had us in the first half." Dorsey was a guy that was with him in the QB room and was promoted because he should know the system Josh and the offense knew and had a good relationship with Josh, of course he was going to feel bad about Dorsey getting fired because the Offense was playing awful and that if they'd played better it wouldn't have happened. He did also mention that they'd all learned something from the experience, which is perfectly unclear, maybe he's got a better idea of what an OC that knows what he's doing is like.
  3. I mean it's definitely AI art and voice, but I guess he may have written the story and then fed that with pictures of the people/characters to the computer. Does kind of feel like people took it way too seriously, it's ridiculous, let it be ridiculous.
  4. Well they certainly had fun it looks like. Also I mean the AI made it right?
  5. A.I. is ***** crazy. Where the Zubaz roam free 😭 I just want the part of the movie where McDermott loses that beautiful mane of hair.
  6. I'm not that worried however it plays out, since Allen has been here the Bills have only lost to them twice and they were pretty ridiculous losses, Bills fans always show up there. If we actually get in to it, depends on how the next two games play out, we've got two games the Bills should win but they've got to go out there and do it. Dolphins have two games they could easily lose, they haven't beaten a winning team yet. Those two things happen and that game is for the division and potentially for the Dolphins going to the playoffs at all maybe us too. So would Dolphins fans be all that excited to go to a game after watching their team lose the lead for the division, put themselves in a win and in situation, still not beat any winning teams, and the team they face is a team they have a 9-2 record against since 2018? Or would it be like "I don't want to ***** see this I already know what's about to happen again,"? But that's all just a possibility a lot of stuff has to happen first, right now we just have to beat the Chargers and get into the Playoffs, we're basically in Playoff football right now. We know the Super Bowl is at the end of it, but we have to knock out whoever is in front of us each week.
  7. There's always going to be that fear in there heads that one of the times Josh is really still going to have the ball, all Cook needs is some hesitation. Plus some of those runs on the edges Allen has been to his right and I swear there's going to be a play where he gets the ball back one day.
  8. Wondering if this would be kind of messed up in that being right before the weekend he's not going to get signed to a team before this weeks games instead if it had been at the start of the week. Not sure how that works with game checks and what not with what they owe him still until he gets resigned.
  9. He's trying to throw "Loyal" Nauta under the bus.
  10. Everybody observes gravity occurring everywhere, but when you're discovering/creating the theory of it from observations you don't see one thing and whelp I guess we'll call it good. You repeat it over and over again, you change variables and observe and repeat that and see if there are differences. Hell it took him decades from that observation to fully develop his theory and it wasn't just about an apple falling to the Earth because of Gravity but the orbit of the Moon and other celestial bodies. This is all pretty basic scientific method stuff, have you had a science class before? As to the rest, you mean the thing I said to illustrate how stupid the thing you said was also ridiculous. 😱
  11. I guess the son that hasn't had a chance to disappoint him yet came home from school for Christmas break speaking pig Latin.
  12. That's such a terrible example just completely dumbfoundingly awful, 1. He just observed the damn thing so there's that. 2. It's the theory of gravity he damn well better go out and observe it occurring everywhere else, he'd be an awful scientist if he didn't. To apply the logic you're using here in reverse you're basically saying if I observe there are no deer in my living room I should just conclude they don't exist, why would I waste my time looking for them in the woods I've already done something somewhere and had a result.
  13. Does that mean the construction company got out of liability, because that would kind of suck for his family.
  14. Is the 12 extra minutes of game related content how they're compensating for the loss of rest time the players would have from the commercial breaks?
  15. It'd be nice but if we're shutting them down defensively and take a commanding lead the score would probably be similar to the Dallas game maybe a bit more. Main thing is when we win with a commanding lead with the run game working like it is we run out the clock. Hope we have a game like that, have to stay focused every game is necessary now.
  16. He's not really wrong, the Bills get there you look back and you'll see exactly the kind of things he's saying lining up for them for the most part.
  17. Didn't Saffold make the Probowl last year?
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