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Daisy days

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  1. He just tweeted it out I’m pretty sure
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2019/11/buffalo-bills-are-americas-spirit-animal-says-nate-burleson.html%3foutputType=amp Nate burleson just moves up in my book by caring the Buffalo Bills America’s Spirit Animal ......kind of hoping this sticks.... I mean we did just beat “America’s team” Had to edit and pushed the wrong button.... to quote not edit but the quoted part is correct
  3. On a train working... then in hotel by myself.... probably get off work just as the game is ending but my lovely wife and family are not having thanksgiving either because they are waiting for me to have it!
  4. I am also 40.... and if a dude grabs my wife..... me and that guy are gonna fight. I understand where a lot of these guys are saying they wouldn’t..... but me I would
  5. Andrew luck is coming out of retirement and entering the xfl draft...... haha
  6. I was thinking today.... since holloween is about going as fictional characters I would dress up as an knowledgeable patriots fan.... then just talk about tb12 and gronk and 4d chess..... but I would rather go as an orangutan anus
  7. I will say it is going to happen the evening of Dec 22. Tre White shuts him down that day and Buffalo clinches the division. Brown only went to new england to win the SuperBowl.... knowing that in division rivals the Buffalo Bills who he “voided” a trade to made that harder will make him implode!
  8. I got 2 daughters who are mililenials.... so I actually love some of them
  9. Pacific Northwest all my life.... Puyallup WA if you want to get specific..... been trying to convert some of these Seahawks fans to Bills fans, haven’t changed anyone over yet.... but trying to turn this into Bills country as well
  10. I live in the Seattle area and worked with a guy recently who seen I was wearing Bills shirt and he said he was taking Josh Allen in his auction fantasy league not sure if this post should go here or I should make a post about Josh Allen in Seattle
  11. The shoe design drew concern from Kaepernick because the former NFL star said the early flag has connections to slavery, so if connections to slavery is a good enough reason to pull the original flag, maybe Nike should stop selling their product in all the states that fought on the confederate side
  12. Ya I looked to.... I seen it when it was on.... with no one else confirming he said it I am starting to question my sanity and if I really seen it
  13. Sean McDermott was just on NFL live on espn and was asked about the new wr corps and he called them the smurfs..... great new nickname in my opinion it was just on and I can’t find video of it..... but those were his words, seemed like he was making a joke about it.
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