I just don't get how some can be so upset with draft picks, you all must watch a ton of film... and I am not being sarcastic, just can't get that opinionated or emotional about it til I watch the kid play for a few seasons
this thread is 90% bs speculation, no one really has a clue how this kid will turn out, I will trust the guy who is gonna be working with him everyday and throwing him the ball
I'm purchasing the 25 percent and the first thing I am gonna do is shut down this forum and start a new one, 😁but if u wanna join u gonna have to pay me a fpl (forum post license)
if a bills fan posted something like this on that cesspool Chiefsplanet, they would have been pelted with numerous low IQ sexual insults and told to die lol
Mahomie should get a 15 yard penalty for his weird hair and his Kermit voice😁, but if he does he is gonna complain that he didn't receive a warning first