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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. oh ok so that makes sense thanx for heads up so he trollin a bit
  2. i guess i look at it differently, both great with different strengths weaknesses like comparing apples to oranges or saying Eddie Van Halen was better than Stevie Ray Vaughan both great in their own way , impossible to compare and say who is better different people on different teams etc. i am just glad we got one of the great ones for once
  3. consistent pressure makes any QB look shaky
  4. thats quite a conclusion after one half against Raiders poor secondary unless u have watched more of him, then my bad
  5. boomer still the best doing highlights
  6. may come down to who is healthiest come playoff time
  7. we may have to worry more bout the Chargers than Chiefs
  8. hopefully we are witnessing Knox becoming our big red zone target
  9. raiders better get going quick
  10. didnt you hear? they already put him in the HOF in the pre game
  11. ol gene likes that eye roll emoji
  12. i must be a homer i think Allen is better than Herbert, Herbert real good tho but JA next level baby
  13. uh oh Herbert gotta "develop his accuracy"
  14. chargers bills browns chiefs etc afc stacked playoffs gonna be epic
  15. me and the wife were at the game and i turned to her after that play and was like how the hell did he just do that
  16. yeah there is always an asterisk with Allen all these experts lol i am not an expert by any stretch and i could see right away that Allen was the real deal
  17. i was yelling Bease myself at both games as were everyone around me
  18. someone better call Bruce and tell him we weren't booing him for all those years
  19. yeah when he was introduced (texans game everyone yellin BEEASE) at wft game defense was introduced but every time he made a catch same thing everyone yelling BEEASE and i sat in two different sections bought cheap ticks last minute
  20. was at the last two games definitely sounded like Bease not boos to me
  21. yeah and if she decides to come on here and read this thread just brutal, kinda feel bad for the lady
  22. oh my and they doing this too his neck whatever happened to a good ole heating pad
  23. ok now i gotta google cupping therapy never heard of it
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