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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. I think Mahomes should do it he would benefit from a year learning from the master
  2. Chiefs got beat and the golden god of QBs Mahomes didn't play well in the 2nd half, but as Chiefs fans our brains can't fathom this, so we look for conspiracy theories.
  3. Yeah and Rap is just full of riveting and intelligent topics and usually no instruments to be found, which makes it even more intriguing
  4. well my old ass is still playing it lol along with rock and blues, i am not getting rich or famous thats for sure, but i am making enough to pay the bills and make a living, most people in the places i play, wineries.breweries, bars etc. still wanna hear it thank god, but most who go out to hear live music are the older generation like myself
  5. totally agree you can't have any music performance of any authenticity or substance in so little time, so what you get is fake cheesey production that takes away from the football, its pointless and only done for the money
  6. I don't like alot of the new "country music" but when you look back on the history of it there are alot of great musicians who were masters of their craft who came from Country music. Chet Atkins, Albert Lee, Buddy Emmons, etc etc etc musicians who can really play their instruments and spent countless hours learning to do so. Also so many great songwriters who crafted countless songs that had substance-Merle Haggard, Waylon, Willie, etc etc etc. What i watched today took little to no talent or work to pull off, all production no substance.
  7. I think Bands present way more of a challenge since instruments are actually being played, therefore amps. drums etc all have to be mic'd up, so there is way more sound production involved with little time to make it happen. With what they did tonight they are basically rapping to pre recorded backing tracks way easier to pull off. Also bands like Metallica etc with musicians who have 10,000 plus hours of practicing and mastering their instruments are going to want to play for real and not fake it to pre recorded tracks.
  8. yeah i thought the game was ok, i wish they would just get rid of the halftime show and all the needless hoopla. Having the Rock on the field doing some WWE style intro, its just all overdone and cheesy as hell
  9. these 2 QBs are decent but i am spoiled from watching Allen get out of so many sure sacks
  10. yes i agree, i can't think about it anymore tho, what a gut punch, imagine how Josh feels. Knowin him this will prob fuel him even more and we may see historic numbers from him next year! ok like i said this game was draining i am headed to bed. I also feel bad for my fellow Bills fans god bless and go Bengals!!
  11. and i feel like he could have done even more tonight if we weren't so conservative on some possessions
  12. 48/62 637 yds 9 tds 0 ints 134 yds rushing and not moving on, just heartbreaking but what a QB we have.
  13. the OL did well enough and Davis was there with him but that was about it. Daboll was too conservative for stretches of this game, and D was.... well enough has been said about that
  14. JA is amazing i am trying not to feel like the coaches wasted one of his years away tonight, man i hope he stays healthy and the Bills don't find new ways to screw this up. the kid can def win it all
  15. i am also too shell shocked and feel like they blew a golden opportunity, being healthy and a near perfect performance from your amazing QB and if you win you get the Bengals at home. You can always say there is next year but damn one of JA years in his career was wasted
  16. putting way too much faith in our defense. ok now are you gonna let Allen be aggressive when we down two scores? recipe for a turnover please let Daboll go to another team
  17. ok thats it!!!! we have a superstar QB too!!!
  18. mathieu out fenton out maybe spread em out more? coaches not showing any faith in our pass protection so far
  19. uhh its not my take watch the Irvin video
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