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Soda Popinski

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Everything posted by Soda Popinski

  1. I gave them a D because 1. Castillo is still here 2. Mills is still here 3. Wood/Incognito are both gone 4. Ducasse is still here 5. All of the above does not= a good Oline.
  2. Gotta go with mixed. Double fried in peanut oil. But you have to let them rest before the 2nd fry.
  3. Several times. Once racing my daughter on her bicycle, i pulled both at the same time, it was horrific. Felt like two rubber bands in the back of my legs snapping at the same time, I could actually feel the muscle tear and pull up my leg. Crawled from the street to the front door, then up the stairs, and sat in the bathtub filling it with ice. Then again about 9 years later while playing adult kickball. I'd stretch and rest, but ever other week I'd re-tweak it. I think my playing days are over.
  4. I did see the 2nd Incredibles movie Saturday
  5. yup. It's all about hitting certain points throughout the movie. It has to have this element of laughter, then this much seriousness, then a little drama, but then laughter to bring you back up. then closure. 10 minutes into Frozen I couldn't take it anymore. Sad to say for Pixar because they had some great movies, but Disney gets a hold of them and the machine takes over. Wall E was the high watermark IMO for animated movies of all time. No dialogue for the first 45 minutes and I could not have been more interested and focused. That movie sucked me in.
  6. I think if you read up you'll be fine, do a search on TheHullTruth, lots of good information on there. I use seafoam on almost every tankful, seems to keep the buildup to a minimum.
  7. Are yours brand new? 4 strokes? Mine is a 20 year old 2 stroke so hard I really don't know anything about the new ones. I live in Central FL so i never winterize i pretty much fish year round. I run mine every 3 weeks without fail to keep the carbs from gumming up but I don't think that's possible up where you are.
  8. Well i've done pretty much everything i can do so far. Rebuilt the carbs on all three cylinders, new starter, new water pump, rewired the trailer, put the lights on the guide posts so they never get wet, also used extention cord instead of that small weak crap they give you to wire with, dedicated ground wires. New springs on the trailer, new hitch ball receiver on the trailer, new axle, hubs, bearings. new ignition wire on one cylinder. new thermostat, poppet valve, new bilge pumps and livewell last summer, new lower unit oil. That's..that's about it so far.
  9. Do Hurricanes count? Charlie/Francis/Ivan/Jeane/Irma/one in 2005 I can't remember the name. Irma was probably the worst last year it took roof shingles off the house and broke a fence post. I was also in Marathon FL during hurricane Alberto this year for a day. 50mph sustained winds is not good fishing weather. EDIT: I forgot Andrew back in 1992
  10. Every time Disney gets their hands on something they just ruin it. Woo, hold on here, we need more quips, we need more sass, we need more sarcasm and jokes in this script....They are just the absolute worst. Frozen was made entirely by focus groups IMO it was nothing but a collection of scenes people thought would be good in that sequence. There was no plot and the underlying message was if you create your own problems you can solve them
  11. At worst we're a 4-12 at best 12-4
  12. Throttle/shift cables for boats can be stiff but the problem can be the slide that attaches to the shift arm. I also learned that removing the lower cowling on an outboard is a PIA. and that boat mechanics are worth whatever they charge if they're good.
  13. the wife thinks I watch Legion for the show...pffffttttt uhhh no
  14. haha i remember him too. Barely.
  15. IDK if anyone else is aware but firing a shotgun on your property is fine (in my city), but firing over a county road is a misdemeanor. It will get you put in the cop car while your wife pleads for them not to take you downtown. They will then let you go but take said shotgun. Which you can retrieve later after a stern talking to by the Barney Fife running the local PD. Now the people who throw crazy parties blaring music every friday saturday and Sunday night from 6pm to 4 am 3 houses down....the ones you have called the police on several times, the ones who tried grabbing your wife while she was trying to tell them to keep the racket down....they won't get a ticket for a noise violation, or anything for the first 10 times you call the police on them. But fire that bang stick off 2 times (the first one they won't even hear because the music is so &#+! loud) they'll get you for that. But not the neighbors. However, after such an incident, you are now known as the unhinged gun nut of the neighborhood, and people tend to leave you alone in peace, which is all you ever wanted in the first place.
  16. 10 years ago Rachel Nichols yes. Now Kay Adams. 10 years from now the next mid 20s smoke show. If only Aubry Plaza was a sports caster. I'd never miss an episode. About Mrs Beadle, I'd have to say....any port in a storm, so...yes
  17. I do and yea, he seems preoccupied with fashion and giving trendy cliches out about hard work and the best is yet to come. But not a ton of pics of him putting in said work.
  18. I thought you liked Chris Kelsey
  19. Seriously it is. Not that I'm a huge fan of guys getting called out in the media that's kind of a locker room thing, but if asked, yeah don't deny it tell it like it is. This is the expectation, and meet it or it's been nice working with you.
  20. Not surprised at all. Earn the right to compete.
  21. He's like TO if TO had mediocre at best production his whole career.
  22. Good I wish him well. He made good choices and bad choices. Ultimately it didn't work.
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