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Soda Popinski

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Everything posted by Soda Popinski

  1. I think you've gotten pretty damn good advice from a football message board personally.
  2. That is exactly why he should go to court now with his lawyer and get errthing spelled out in writing and agreed to. It's not for the divorce. it's for the kid I almost forgot there is a trap waiting to be sprung you have to be careful of. When one of her friends sends that playful message on FB or IG or through text and tries for the "now that you're single" hookup......IT"S A TRAP!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Seriously! But then again we keep hearing how Vlad and Miller aren't the problem. We'll see if Bodine is the solution.
  4. When my daughter started calling her biological father "mr Brad" and referring to me as her daddy, things did not go well. guy was an addict and an overall POS of a human being. He told her (2 at the time) he was going to punch my lights out and make me bloody. When she relayed the message she said "don't worry daddy i'll protect you" I just about died. Then he saw me in person and.....there were no more threats, at least none expressed to her. Not that i'm a super intimidating guy I just think people talk mad #*$! until something becomes real. 18 months later after an ordeal we are not going to get into we decided she wasn't going to see him anymore. That was 1999. She graduates from FAU in December. Don't be that guy.
  5. I think as a HC it's not as much about coordinating offense/defense/special teams as it is managing the coaching staff and coming up with a gameplan. You're managing your people as much or more than your players.
  6. I don't think either one of them would be a decent HC even on an interim basis I'd promote the special teams coach instead but that's just me.
  7. It didn't look to me like Bills WRs had tons of trouble getting open, we just need the QB to see
  8. get the attorney!!!!! it seems like a lot of $$ now but buddy you don't know what a lot of money is yet until you look back after 16 years of child support and tally it up to over 100k dollars. My father was paying on my brothers and sister, 3 kids, 700 a month. When they turned 18 he had a party.
  9. everything my brother agreed to pay to his ex before the court dates was considered a "gift" so even though he paid, he still had to back pay child support. took it right up the tail pipe.
  10. That sucks man i'm sorry to hear it. My brother went through divorce after adopting her son and then they had a child together. Just always focus on what's best for the child on both sides. Just make sure any agreement you come to is in writing and done through the courts. Get it documented, get it notarized, have a lawyer do everything that way in 5 years nothing comes back to bite you in the rear end. Feelings change and something she might have thought was fair at the time suddenly isn't fair anymore especially if you're doing well down the road.
  11. the best HS team in the country would get destroyed by the worst D1 school. This is no different.
  12. I do not see McDermott fired this year or next year. This organization finally has a direction and people want to blow it all up at the first sign of trouble.
  13. I'd probably spring for wireless if i was going to do a home theater.
  14. I think it will be a good season. Hopefully it will. Just don't get why they had all that time/money and all they could get were vitamin cubes. Really? John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield was better.
  15. Great opportunity for someone to step in and take a starting job in the NFL at a premier position. Someone step up!
  16. technique, quickness, hand placement, balance
  17. Guy across from you is better at not getting knocked down than you are at knocking him down. he gets past you and you can't stop him.
  18. Start Teller for crying out loud. Just give the kid a chance.
  19. my daughter bought us a sound bar from Wal Mart last year, I think it was about $85 bucks and I swear to jebus I love the damn thing. Sometimes less is more.
  20. More upset with the blowouts than the actual record. I figure we'll be 0-4 in the next couple weeks, but the gap has to be closer these ass whippings are getting old.
  21. He knows boxing. Everything else not so much.
  22. I don't think Darnold/Allen is in any way a fair comparison, 2 years starting at USC vs 2 years at Wyoming. I know nobody likes excuses, he looked inaccurate and he loves to run to his right when he thinks there is trouble coming. The interior of the oline has given him happy feet and he's always looking to bail out of the pocket. He's got to learn to trust his protection and step up, not easy with Vlad and Miller in front of you. Piss poor running game doesn't help either.
  23. He was an inexpensive stop gap that we got to band aid up trading Sammy Watkins and keeping the fans happy. I don't know if they ever had the intentions of giving him a long term deal.
  24. If he wants more than #3wr money he will be. Hell I'd kill to have Robert Woods back instead of him.
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