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Soda Popinski

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Everything posted by Soda Popinski

  1. Iowa is on the bucket list for hunting. Actually probably go to Wisconsin first if I had the choice. Or elk hunting Colorado. She's def not worth it though.
  2. If Foster makes those two catches, he's got an extra 80 or so yards passing and looks much more legitimate. It's sad because he had 4 incredibly catchable balls dropped between Foster and Benji. So I very much like what I see from him. He's putting the ball where it needs to be with accuracy and anticipation. I just want to see him improve every week.
  3. I don't know if she was making a pass at me but they had cake for September birthdays, and one of the girls gave me a piece of red velvet she had in her department instead of that dried out rubbish the philistines ate.
  4. I have to sleep on my left side because if i face away from her I may blow her out of bed. It's a courtesy.
  5. What do we want? Less injuries to the QB When do we want them? Now how do we get there? Pussify the sport!!!
  6. Here...you've been kissed by a pus on that yak!
  7. I don't think that is necessary the cap is going to hit 200 million very soon. I know QBs eat up a significant chunk of that but at the same time the cap is what levels the playing field so teams that aren't paying a franchise QB can be competitive.
  8. Ok she's got 1500 acres that she says has never been hunted and it's next to a corn field......Then maybe.....maybe...
  9. Put the toilet paper in the freezer as preparation
  10. the important thing is he sees the right things and identifies the right things to do with the football. He's going to have an errant pass here and there, i'm not worried about that. Right now these reps are really helping him develop. If we win 5 more games I'll be surprised. Just keep in mind Wentz went 7-9 his rookie season with a 79QB rating and threw more interceptions than touchdowns. Goff's rookie year he looked like a dumpster fire. If Allen struggles this year IMO it's just part of the learning curve.
  11. what's funny is through two games ( I know small sample size) his accuracy and consistency have not been the problem. Drops by WRs getting hit in the bread basket and the hands have been the issue. He has been putting the ball on the money.
  12. I think they have to spy him. Nothing is more backbreaking than getting your defense a 3rd and long, then watching a rookie QB jog 15 yds for a 1st down...accept hurdling your best defender to get there...that's really demoralizing. Or so I hear.
  13. I'm glad i'm not the only one who draws a blank sometimes in these kind of situations. Then 2 hours later you think of all the knowledge you could have put out there to prove you're not a casual Bills fan (there are none)
  14. John Wooden was no different. He taught players how to put on their socks and shoes every year. Literally coaching from the floor up to his players. searing plays into their brains with repetition until they didn't think anymore they just reacted.
  15. I didn't want to start a totally new thread but did anyone catch Mr Inbetween on FX2? I'm not an Aussie some sometimes I didn't catch all the dialogue but it was a pretty decent show.
  16. I'm wanting a color rush, but I've always been a defensive fan so I might go Edmunds.
  17. I've had people request my personal cell and I never give it out. I've got a work phone and a work email and if you can't get me at those you probably shouldn't be talking to me. I have spent Christmas eve's driving back to the office because someone gave out my cell number and an issue that really wasn't an issue was made out to be life threatening. Never again. When guys say "just text me that information" sorry, I can email it I can't text it. Actually I did one time a few months ago, I texted the information, and immediately blocked the number. He called me back on my work phone and that was that.
  18. Let me know when you get to 20+ years rookie! LOL
  19. Thanks, I've got the app just can't listen at work. it's not an isolated cubicle.
  20. thanks from those of us who cannot listen or watch.
  21. No I think RayRay should be returning punts. But he can't let one roll for 40 yards like he did last week.
  22. Let it play out, neither side seems to be budging on this.
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