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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. It’s premature because we don’t know what Beane is going to do in Free Agency.. Re-signing Foster and Croom to minimum contracts does not prevent them still seeking to upgrade those positions..
  2. Premature. Free Agency hasn’t started yet.. Guys like Croom, Foster and Norman will be battling for their spot come Week 1 and sgning them won’t stop Beane looking for upgrades.. He signed Long this time last year and then signed another half a dozen linemen in FA..
  3. Anyone think there is a chance they could move on from ( trade) Morse next offseason? Feliciano filled in pretty well at C last year a couple of times... He doesn’t have the concussion risk that Morse has, would likely be cheaper when they re-sign him, and he can fill in a year or two at C whilst they draft and bring the full time replacement up to speed.. They could probably get a third round pick for Morse..
  4. They will draft another O line by Round 4 at the latest.,, Beane showed us last year that he will trade surplus guys after the preseason... Wouldn’t surprise me if Long gets moved on before Week 1..Not that I hate Long but just think Beane could move him on for a 5th with that contract..
  5. I haven’t got much love for him at 22 but I have been wrong many times before..
  6. Couldn’t agree more... He was great this year at both RG and when he had to cover for Morse on more than 1 occasion... Shake my head at the expectations of some people..
  7. Have you heard of this pesky thing called the salary cap? It exists to prevent some teams from signing elite players at every position... Whilst it would be great to sign (what trade for? ...we are giving up a pick as well?) someone like Gabe Jackson at $11mil a year... it’s difficult to pay him and Morse and Dawkins ( probably next year..)
  8. Not bad? Its freaking fanstastic result for the Bills.... I think you were predicting a month back that he would be getting a lot more than this. ( from someone.. not necessarily the Bills)..
  9. The talking heads can still do what they do from some studio somewhere... Roger can still read out the names... Will it really be that different if no one is there in person to watch it and the players arent there to shake hands and get the team cap put on their head?
  10. So all those people in intensive care in hospitals in Italy are actors trying to influence the US elections?
  11. You might want to take a look at Nothern Italy....
  12. Beane seems pretty savvy with what he pays players he has acquired in Free Agency, apart from Star and Kroft to a lesser extent.. On the Star deal, You can only assume that the Bills were bidding against some other team and the price was driven up.. The amount paid was a mistake in my view, but it was a rare misstep from Beane.. he gets plenty of deals right.. Cast your mind back to last year.. Morse v Paradis... I seem to recall most here wanting Paradis..
  13. Dont know why people want to change this now.. The Bills will more than likely be benefiting from Comp Picks come 2022 Draft...
  14. Last years first FA signing was Spencer Long.. My expectations for Norman are about the same- low ..
  15. I agree that investing dollars into the OL is not a bad idea... I just think that paying Morse last year, Dawkins this year ( probably) would mean it is getting a bit pricey to bring in a guy like Trent Williams as well ( You have $12.5M - he probably thinks he is getting more, and you also need to factor into the cost a draft pick to trade for him..) I would also like to think they will keep Feliciano past this year and whilst he wont be a Top 10 at the position, he will probably cost more than what they are paying him this year.. Just my thoughts...
  16. Beane is such a wizard that he has going to somehow work out a way to pay every starter on the roster Top10 money...
  17. Not this year... Poyer has got a year to play first... I also think they might be looking to draft a safety Day 2 .. Kyle Dugger I’m looking at you...
  18. I still think Beane will land an upgrade on Shaq either in FA or via trade ... Call me an optimist but let’s wait and see what develops..
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