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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. McKenzie is a quiet achiever on this team... Never going to be a star and will be one of those guys that go down to the wire on final cut day against the latest flavor of the month from training camp... but he always seems to provide a solid play the 1-2 times a game his number is called...
  2. Nice write up as usual... I agree with your comments on Allen - both negative and positive...I said in the other thread that you can’t take that sack... but maybe he will learn that... It wasn’t his best game but still better than pretty much any game he played last year... It’s amazing what he is doing and hopefully he can continue to improve.. The sky seems the limit...
  3. Bumping this thread Is never goin to get old over the next 12 years... Well... maybe it might... And for the record I hated the pick at the time but the next day I was prepared to “hope for the best” Think this is now turning out ok..
  4. Not a chance... Very impressed with Beaz last 2 weeks... Heck... also throw Davis and McKenzie In there as well as a pretty decent 4 and 5...
  5. Stop trying to make the juggler the escape goat...
  6. "The other team's execution was great.. give them some credit" - Sean McDermott
  7. So Spain benched again today He saw some playing time in the 2nd half when Winters injured... Hopefully Feliciano back soon... Also was listening to the Cover 1 guys... really impressed with Williams play at RT
  8. Allen had a great game and I am absolutely over the moon about how he is throwing the ball this season and the great catches from the receivers... But... You cant take that sack when they were on the verge of going up three scores and icing the game.. They got away with it today... wouldnt want to see them do it too often though..
  9. Terrible call.... Im not normally one to complain about the Refs, but they never seem to get much going their way on these replay calls..
  10. Im sure that must make him very unhappy...will he even be able to continue to do the show anymore?
  11. Nice game.... Hope he can stay injury free because they need him..
  12. This offense is amazing.. . Could be somehting special..
  13. Can never have a comfortable win... it’s just not allowed
  14. Wow... He is throwing well but he still has one terrible sack in him every game
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