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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Look.. I’m not panicking over one loss, but you can make excuses and have injuries every week... I doubt this team is going better than 10-6 with the schedule they have and that will probably be good enough for the Division ... 👍
  2. Makes me wonder why Star agreed to take a pay cut in the pre Covid days considering he is the best player on the D?
  3. There are going to be some good football players that pass through fleetingly on this team and go on to get paid big money at other teams.. I can accept that
  4. Who else is thinking the problem is with the O? More worried about the other side
  5. I think he might be doing The Hustle by now..
  6. Terrible game.. Hope they can look at it as a wake up call..
  7. Where’s the guy that bet the $15k on the Bills -3.5?
  8. I like Spain and am a little surprised about his benching... I think if he is not in their plans to start then I believe that Beane will think he is getting paid too much to be on the bench... They have Feliciano off contract at the end of the year who I would like to see them Re-sign, so would suggest if that happens then Spain probably gets traded in the next off season.. Williams is probably going to be hard to retain so they might be drafting a RT early in 2021..
  9. Ok cool... I don’t have kids so I have missed that one ..
  10. The dog from UP? This is a cultural reference some of y’all have in these parts? i missed that one..
  11. Through reading the calm, logical thought out comments In the game day thread..
  12. Makes me wonder how good Herbert will be come game 32
  13. I just want the BIlls to win... I can find some no doubt biased reason to hate all the other teams...
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