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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Their fans are already wanting them to tank for Lawrence ... They are a stoic bunch in the face of adversity...
  2. I might have to dig up that pre season thread where someone here was trying to tell me Titans are not good..
  3. A great player ... maybe the greatest ever to play on this team...
  4. I’m in favour of improving the team, and wouldn’t hate it... just don’t see the Bills as the highest bidder and money is important to Bell
  5. Can he play DE? Seriously... cant imagine Beane signing him but Ive been wrong plenty of times before..
  6. Can we go to the Bruce Smith store and pick up a couple of Bruce Smiths?
  7. It’s only 1 loss but I think you would have to have some concerns about the way the D is playing even in the games they won.. But I have confidence that McD is a good enough coach to turn things around on the D side of the ball.
  8. I like Andre but I hope he has been investing his pay checks wisely...
  9. I should be getting some Schadenfreude out of this but it’s the Jets and they’are already dead...
  10. In my opinion they will win the AFCE... time will tell..
  11. True...I’m not giving up on the season yet though.. are you?
  12. It’s one game and no one was suggesting they would be 16-0
  13. My actual words meaning that there is no room for irony or jokes.. are you suggesting that every comment that is posted here needs to be literal or else prepare to be challenged to show examples of what other posters have said? To underscore the point I am making if not already apparent... it’s convenient for some to say that Star is the reason why the D is not playing as well as last year... I don’t buy this argument particularly when he has been here a couple of years with limited love shown here.. What other players have taken a pay cut this year by the way? Is that a sign of a critical piece of the team?
  14. You read way too much into my comment... I am tired of seeing the comments that Star is the missing link because the D is not playing well Im assuming the fact that you have been here a while would mean that the positive comments here since Star joined the team a few years back are few and far between... And for the term “ straw man” that you have thrown back at me... why did he take a pay cut again? You don’t seem to have addressed this point ..
  15. Sorry but it seems you are making excuses in your first post.. Were the Titans at full strength? And you would have to be a fool to think this was going to be a gimme win... I know a lot of people have underestimated the Titans this year and Tannehill but not me.. Let’s not over react one way of the other.. 10-6 this year will be a great result and win the AFC East
  16. I really hate that term “bend but don’t break”.. implies that the d is soft in my view ..
  17. Look.. I’m not panicking over one loss, but you can make excuses and have injuries every week... I doubt this team is going better than 10-6 with the schedule they have and that will probably be good enough for the Division ... 👍
  18. Makes me wonder why Star agreed to take a pay cut in the pre Covid days considering he is the best player on the D?
  19. There are going to be some good football players that pass through fleetingly on this team and go on to get paid big money at other teams.. I can accept that
  20. Who else is thinking the problem is with the O? More worried about the other side
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