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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. If it wasn’t for the refs this team would never lose a game - they are just so good...
  2. I just read his wiki page.. I would recommend you keep expectations low..
  3. Really need a solid effort against the Jets or things might start going off the rails..
  4. Well ... he agreed to take a pay cut so even he must have thought he was overpaid..
  5. 5 days I believe so perhaps he misses the game this weekend anyway... assume this is what you are saying?
  6. If the Bills want him and are prepared to offer more than the rest of the market for him, and Jets are prepared to trade him to a Division rival, do the deal this week and have the Jets sit him this weekend and release him Monday...
  7. Can’t really answer this until I see if the D improves or not..
  8. Why are people complaining about Beane? He is making the moves..
  9. I guess my point is that there is more to ths story then simply " he didnt like sitting on the bench"...
  10. He has his salary guaranteed this year so tell him that he can like or lump the bench... and then try to trade him in the offseason
  11. I wouldnt want to be giving up the farm for him
  12. Yeah we are all just speculating... However.. I'm sure there are always players that are unhappy for whatever reason all the time, but they might need to be told.."Suck it up big boy.. we have paid you in full this season.."
  13. Agreed.. Why not keep him for the rest of the year as insurance against further injury and try to trade him in the offseason? Not a lot to lose, other than he takes up a roster spot... He also previously seemed a popular locker room guy based on some quotes from the other players including JA... There is obviously more to the story but probably unlikely we will ever know the details...
  14. Well yes they decided to keep him over Teller... thats not looking a great Idea now ...assume Long was moved on to save cap space...He was on $4mil per year from memory which was too much for a back up... I want to believe that he is going to work out but given he is now in his third year would suggest that the lightbulb needs to switch on for him very soon
  15. I hope you are right about Boettger... seems he has been here a while now but never seems good enough to play
  16. Cant they say no when his contract is guaranteed this year? What if another injury occurs this week?
  17. He would not be the only player on that line that is struggling.. I suspect the issue with him will be more around attitude rather than his physical attributes... We may never know the full story but I’ll be interested to see how Spain looks on his next team...
  18. Just refuting your comment that he stopped working after he got paid- clearly not the case... Maybe he lost too much weight!!
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