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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Did Cleveland do better against the Chiefs than the bills? Are those felchers getting a bit uppity and can’t wait to bring it next playoffs?
  2. any blame for Dabs? Personally I think he is an easy target
  3. Something went off the rails with the O this post season and I’m not sure what it was I think it’s a little simplistic to blame Daboll although this may be a factor... The OL struggled today ... do we blame Dabs for that?
  4. Love this sir.... Was gunna say the same thing when I saw this thread started originally 👍
  5. Down to take an RB You want an RB right?
  6. No.... the Chiefs won today because they had the better team... MCD is gunna be back but he needs a better team to beat the Chiefs... The Bills had a good team in the early 90s.. it’s tough to dethrone the king ...
  7. Disappointing day but I come here every day all year around so thanks to all the peeps that make that happen ... 👍
  8. I wonder if Beane looked at Fournette mid season? He is what we need and I seem to recall he was picked up cheap
  9. I’m telling you guys...pick 30 should be in play for RB and yes I’m aware there are plenty of needs on D
  10. Hey... I would take him at that price ... So who else then? Doug Whaley drafted Kolby Listenbee who was pretty quick but doubt you want him?
  11. Hey... it’s only the early morning for some 👍... it’s 4pm my time and I should be working but nah... Yeah... it’s pretty simplistic as any team wants to get quicker ... maybe the Chiefs will trade us Hill to be our no 2
  12. im in a bar... I haven’t seen the video so just asking the question:.. he says the “execution” thing a lot though....
  13. Any specific names you want to put forward?
  14. I thought it might have been - Let’s hope Mahomes throws some picks
  15. I wonder if the brains trust might do a de- brief this year and come to the conclusion that they didn’t see the day coming that one day they would have to run the ball and Moss , yeldon and Singletary weren’t going to be the answer ... They need better and I’m even thinking they need to consider pick 29 in the next draft. Other needs are DE, CB, LB, S... hope they are already working on the off season picks as not much money for FA left
  16. I know nothing about the Sabres... The game today was over before the rubbish commenced and they will need to get better to beat them next year through player acquisition ...
  17. Nah... just put it in your memory bank for next time... Did he hurt him with the rubbish afterwards?
  18. So why did Josh throw the ball and start that rubbish? Im betting McDermott will be disappointed... the Chiefs man raped them on the field today and beat them fair and square and didn’t spare the lube... This isn’t like when Gronk cheap shotted Tre a few years back and the team stood back and did nothing ..
  19. The D’s game against the Ravens last week came as a pleasant surprise...I don’t want anyone to get carried away with that performance as it was a one off this season... Beane needs to build this D in 2021 if we want to beat the Chiefs... they had their way with us
  20. What’s your Futurist boss saying now? hopefully not “there is always next year”.. all of us have been saying that for 27 years
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