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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. I was having a look at the 49ers and Seahawks message boards... they seem to think differently...
  2. Most people will say it will be worth it if they win one SB... even if they then are a rabble for the next 5 years after... Personally I would prefer to go about ultimate success in a more conventional way like the Bills are doing as you set yourself up for a longer window... However... the Rams Management the past 4 years or so have shown that they aren’t idiots if you look at their record over that time compared to the rest of the League.. I think this move makes them better in 2021 than this year and the NFC is weak.. Does it make them better long term? No way but that’s the road they have chosen to go down..
  3. And yet they regularly make the playoffs each year ... including going 10-6 this year and winning a post season game..
  4. Yeldon is most likely gone so they need to replace him for starters... i think they try to find someone with one of those Day 3 picks and bring him in to compete with Moss, Devin and Williams.. Think it’s likely that Devin is at least No 3 on that list so he will likely take on the Yeldon healthy game day scratch role if he doesn’t get better in the off-season..
  5. Yeah.. someone will do better than $960K a year which is what he is currently being paid... To echo Beane.. He has earned the right to test the market I guess
  6. I just watched the interview... what are your thoughts about what he said about Brown? I wouldn’t say it was an endorsement... something along the lines that he “ would figure it out in the off-season”...
  7. A wise man once said that Schedules are never as hard, or as easy as they appear...
  8. I dont disagree with the holes you have identified, but 5 new players is a big number ( considering their draft position and Cap limitations) and they will need to be fortunate to fill them all in one off season... They also may have further holes to fill if they lose Milano and Williams..
  9. Brady had some bad plays too I recall..... The TD before the half was terrible but it didn’t decide the game by itself..
  10. Im hoping Josh is thinking that he just got his ass handed to him and he needs to get better.... not that his numbers were pretty good and compared to other players in their first championship game he didn’t do too badly... Do we need to find a silver lining in every thing?
  11. I’ll make this my last comment as we have a difference of opinion ... I think that Toney is a good player but considering they have Diggs, Beasley, Davis and can bring back Brown and McKenzie if they want to at WR.... how much can Toney add to that group when the cost is a first round... ? It’s a moot point anyway as he is likely gone by 30... As boring as it might be... I’ll take the Defense player in Round 1 or even a quality RB in Round 1 would be a better investment IMO...
  12. Boring answer is you need to see how FA shakes out.... If Williams, Milano and Feliciano are not retained than they all need to be replaced with good pickups ..... In terms of a straight out upgrade I gotta say DE ... can they find some money to buy one in FA? Probably not enough... so let’s hope there is some one they like at 30 sitting there ...
  13. Lot of the “experts” mocking us a CB at 30.... Im not so sure and expect they will go in a different direction in the first... I could see them drafting a CB rounds 3-4 and having them compete with Wallace and Jackson ...
  14. They need more than Star back on D.... maybe a Round 1 pick on D mightn’t hurt as well to replace Milano if they let him go or help at DE which desperately needs it...
  15. They aren’t going to the SB with that D plus Star.. They have needs on both sides of the ball... sure...
  16. Can he play D cause we need some help there
  17. A 2nd for Brown? I would take that 2nd and draft his replacement but that’s probably what the team thinking about trading for Brown does when they come to their senses..
  18. I think he was a little off this year but can you replace him for better than $5.1M ? I think Hyde plays out his contract and they try to find his successor in the draft...
  19. Bad timing for Daryl Williams to have his worst game of the year yesterday and he might have cost himself some money... Agree with earlier comments that if you could get him for 3 years max ( in reality 2 with the third year at the team option) at $9-10M a year than I would do it I agree that only 1 of Morse or Feliciano are kept... I could see them drafting a C early this year so might make sense to keep Morse for 2021 and let him go next season when the new boy is up to speed .. Im going to throw one out of left field and say that you bring Nsekhe back as the swing tackle for $2M ... I know he is 36 but he has had an interesting career and doesn’t have the normal miles that a lineman his age should...he has been dependable when he has sparingly played this year... Im torn on Milano if they can keep him at around $7-9 M a year... The D plays a lot better with him in the lineup, and if he goes then you are likely replacing him with a high pick where there are a number of other holes to fill...
  20. Collectively he caught 10 catches for 86 yards and 0 TDS in three games.... Perhaps it’s a little harsh to say he didn’t perform, however my expectations were sky high for him coming into the playoffs fresh and ready to go after quite a lay off So how much you cutting his salary by?
  21. Hey John... been on your side for months... We’re you happy with him today? Yes... I don’t want him to be the scapegoat... I really wanted him to stand up today though... they needed him..
  22. Firstly... let me say that I have been a defender of Brown this year when he was long term injured and came back and hasn’t been playing his best towards the back end of the regular season when the O was humming... I was originally thinking that he might be up for a Beane haircut similar to Kroft and Star last year .... and I would have been ok with that previously... Unfortunately, my thoughts are now that he hasn’t performed this playoff season, and let’s be honest... we needed him to show up today....and whilst he wasn’t the only one to blame... his salary next year makes him stand out... I think it’s time to move on from Brown...and save the 7-8 Mil or so... nothing personal and I sincerely wish him well at his next stop
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