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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Why can’t this team ever get both sides of the ball playing good in the same game?
  2. Dont you know how this works? You only complain about the calls that GO AGAINST you?
  3. We should all catch up with Ice for some beers a couple days after we beat the Bucs in the SB…
  4. My gut feeling is Bills will go 12-5 so won’t be enough for the 1 seed…They won’t sweep the division again this year… They are still capable of winning it all though ..
  5. There will be more credible options than him available..
  6. Are you basing that on more than that one pass late in the Week 1 preseason game? Because I cant think of anything else he has shown otherwise..
  7. I agree with you… and they should have done it in March… But I don’t see them doing it now,,, they have talked him up as a locker room leader and he has taken a pay cut… doesn’t seem very “process” to be trading him now… I don’t think they will be doing anything that may cause some issues with the playing group on the eve of the season…
  8. Hope this prediction works out better than his 2018 QB draft rankings...
  9. Lot of people been saying here not to sleep on Tanner Gentry... Well.. not only am I sleeping.. I am Rip Van Winkle-ing on him...
  10. See this is your first problem... "Joke" kinda implies some type of humour at work.. this is clearly not the case...
  11. This guy must be getting paid by the lame thread..
  12. I remember pre the 2019 draft there was a poster here who had a real hard on for this dude , and wanted the Bills to move up and take him at the end of the first.. Havent heard much from him since ...
  13. Can someone define “close” as in “close to finalising the deal”… How many months we talking?
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