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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. They will probably beat TB and lose to Atlanta the way this team is going
  2. They don’t have that mongrel in them .. they are too finesse and not enough smash mouth… is there a coach around that can change that?
  3. Unlike some here… I’m going to keep following the team and hoping for the best until they are either mathematically eliminated or they lose in the playoffs… But after experiencing the highs of six weeks ago when they beat the Chiefs to what we have seen since is disappointing though… was really hoping for a special year…
  4. Post game pressers; McD - “We got out executed today” Josh - “ The other team wanted it more” Poyer- “ I’m looking for a post NFL career as a speed bump”
  5. Yeah could be right… I tell you … I had such high hopes for the season after that game… seems a lot longer than 6 weeks ago
  6. I think their plan was Run it Back… They did beat KC though when a lot of critics here said it wasn’t possible.. That could be the high water mark of the season ..
  7. If they come out after the game again and say "the other team wanted it more" then just blow it up ...
  8. Watching Taylor B word slap our defenders away is .....
  9. What a terrible pass... We get one extreme or the other most weeks
  10. If you are interested in betting on the Bills to win the Super Bowl... you will probably get season long odds on them next week..
  11. Keep it going .. we deserve it for having an interest in this team
  12. DT.. even better... Gotta keep building that D line...
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