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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. Poor old Carr… Nothing ever seems to go right for him for too long…
  2. Just hoping no overtime so I don’t miss the start of the Bills game
  3. How am I responding with hate exactly? By disagreeing with you? Looks like reading your last line here … you are the one making sarcastic comments about me so maybe practice what you preach a little.. Every time I ask you a question it is ignored… strange way to “engage in a discourse” with people…
  4. I remember a couple here wanted the Bills to take him in the first …yeesh
  5. Good news … looks like the home team getting the flags going their way these playoffs
  6. I’m glad you are here every game thread setting us straight then …
  7. Ah … but you see there are “multiple” scripts according to our buddy … Im going to go further and say there are infinity scripts.. How this differs from randomness though I’m not quite sure
  8. I asked you last week when you were spouting this same stuff.. Here it the question again Why do you continue to watch if you believe the game is “scripted”?
  9. You have made this argument several times already… about the NFL being “scripted”…many are not going to agree with you but you are entitled to your opinion… But I’m not sure it needs to be made EVERY week?
  10. Fromm is looking good…just kidding he would be mad to stay… someone will take a chance on him… he can always come back if that doesn’t work out…
  11. Thanks Shaw as always… I haven’t been impressed with the Bills Passing game these past 2 weeks…. Hope they have been playing a bit of cat and mouse against a couple of lesser teams and kept things vanila deliberately and have a few things up their sleeve now they are facing the big boys.. They have the team to win it and it does seem a “soft” year looking at their competition… nothing overly scary compared to facing KC last year..even the fact that the Colts and Chargers missed the playoffs is a positive as it has allowed lesser teams in.. Their D should keep anybody close …. My concerns based on what I have seen this year are around dumb penalties…scoring TDs in the red zone and having consistency over 4 games playing quality teams…
  12. Poor Giants fans ... Haven't had a lot of success over the last few decades...😢
  13. Do you read the game thread? Not much love for him there... have rarely seen a bigger case where someone gets 1 percent of the credit when they win and 99 percent of the blame when they lose...
  14. According to the majority here, Daboll craps the bed most weeks...
  15. The Steelers are the luckiest team in any sport I think I have seen..
  16. What was urgent about the Feliciano resigning? They signed Milano and Williams before him I recall and Mongo signed a day or two before free agency started on lower money than most thought
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