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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. I hoped for better… but then I’m not a professional
  2. Must be four players they like but not overly fussy which one … so they keep moving back 3
  3. I suspect it’s ammo to help move up from the 5th to the 4th
  4. They traded down and still get the player I wanted.. Good to see they are trade buddies with the Patriots
  5. I hate the Chiefs… They always take players I like … definitely my nemesis
  6. At what stage do you start really hoping your guy is gunna fall to you? 5 picks out?
  7. Back to back again? They would please the masses here 😀
  8. Ot they think they can toss out a few late day 3 picks and move up 20 spots
  9. They have a gazillion picks every year… gotta get it right some time
  10. We will all get to follow his (Hall) career pretty closely…
  11. With what pick? Can’t see them giving up their 3rd and their 5th won’t get you far
  12. Look I don’t disagree that need plays a part… but Beane also said that he was the only Round 1 grade left on the board so doesn’t that mean he was BPA..
  13. Well… don’t accept it … I don’t see him getting traded tonight though,.
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