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Aussie Joe

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Everything posted by Aussie Joe

  1. So would you be ok with the 8 seed winning the SB?
  2. Ok… but why add an 8th team ..why should that team be given an opportunity that they have not earned according to the rules in place at the start of the season and which we have played 90 percent of the season games already working towards an outcome where only 7 teams make it?
  3. Dont worry about delaying the AFC playoffs a week so the Bills v Bengals game can be played….This seems like the most simple solution …😄
  4. It would really be something special to overcome everything this year and take out the Championship ..probably a once in 30-40 years team/story … and they might need the next few things (luck, bounce of the ball) to go their way in the playoffs to get it done… But eventually there is going to be a straw that breaks the camels back…has that already happened now is the question …
  5. Haha… hope they check the weight on that dice closely… I can see after the result the loser saying … “it was best of three wasn’t it?”
  6. Sounds like you work in a 19th century British match factory…
  7. Hope the Bills winning the real Championship gives you some peace of mind brother !
  8. ok … let’s keep speculating when we don’t know the rules… that will be helpful Give me the eye rolls brother !
  9. Yeah I know But you can’t be making s**f up.. What do the rules say?
  10. ok .. is this in the current rules though?
  11. Multi Billion sport comes down to a coin flip Simple
  12. I think this is speculation on your part Scott
  13. Speculation on this seems a bit meaningless… not because of what is going on with Damar but this is lierally uncharted…
  14. And what does this mean for the result of the game?
  15. Sorry came in late… What are you saying about then not playing tomorrow?
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