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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I don't think the Korean war was a war we won. An armistice was called between SK, NK, China and the US to stop fighting. And we were in SK much longer than 20 yrs, to keep NK at bay, even to this day. The reasons to stay have grown in strategic ways, but the fact remains, we've never left. I'm not defending Afghanistan, just pointing this out.
  2. As a Wyoming Cowboy fan, I say you play the best players, period. This is about business, not friendships.
  3. Degrees of separation - a little trivia for you. Marv Levy was a Wyoming Cowboy. While only for one semester, he was on our football team.
  4. You'd be surprised with the number of injuries without it
  5. Like everyone, I'm excited about our offense. But, I have always said a team couldn't get to the Super Bowl without a top 10 defense. I'm kinda worried
  6. It's intellectually dishonest to just drop this, like so many do. Morbidity of covid is much more complicated than just throwing out this total. Something like 95% of these were people over 60 with other complications. Covid is really hard on old, out of shape people. Hopefully all of them have been vaccinated. I have.
  7. This distraction you and others are speaking of...it takes two. I'll simply leave it at that.
  8. You seem to want to argue what you're victimizing him over, by assuming I meant his vaccination stance. Then you proceed to victimize over other shyt. All I said is that you are victimizing him. By doing so, you become part of the distraction.
  9. That's because you're victimizing him, no?
  10. Raiders are stuck with him for another year before they can cut him. The Raiders are always overpaying for talent.
  11. I'm also a Raiders fan (yeah, let me have it) and he's been on the bubble to be cut for a month or two now. The Raiders are now in a tough spot.
  12. Never addressed the efficacy of social media. But many a celebrity sure seem to use it.
  13. why can't a player fight for what they believe to be better or more appropriate protocols?
  14. For a long time, I gave Fauci the benefit of the doubt. I don't like what I'm hearing today.
  15. There are a significant number of pro athletes waiting to get poked. I don't think they are waiting because they are selfish. I think their doctors, trainers and other healthcare professionals are telling them they are low risk and might be putting something in their bodies that could hurt them more than help them. I think pro athletes are assessing the risks. I know many of you don't, you think they're stupid or selfish. I think this is a very serious and important decision they are facing and they truly believe they are doing the right thing for themselves, their career, their team and their sport.
  16. You can't make Allen or Diggs get the vaccine. The risk of covid is on the list of all of the other risks they assume each and every day.
  17. The realistic point in this response, to me anyway, is the impact that quarantines could have on the games and season. The odds of serious illness for this demographic are pretty low and any that might occur will be just a few.
  18. While I generally agree with this, I can also acknowledge that we don't yet know all of the long-term effects of taking the vaccine, if there even is any. To a young, healthy, adult the risk of Covid having any serious effect is very low.
  19. I get your point, however there is the counter point that anyone and everyone that doesn't get the vaccine is accepting the risk themselves. While the unvaccinated arguably put each other at risk, individually they are accepting that risk.
  20. Well, we've got 75 yrs of data on the flu and what, 18 months of data on covid? Generally, the flu attacks everyone. Covid attacks the old, weak and otherwise compromised. The actuarial data on covid will be most significant in my opinion.
  21. It actually does mean a lot in the actuarial sense. But that's a rabbit hole we don't need to jump in.
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