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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. ??? He could be vaxed and really have covid? Your money is on a false positive.
  2. Josh just needs to put some extra Charmin in his back pockets
  3. This was my first reaction. Why? Isn't what we're doing working pretty well?
  4. You knew one of us Wyoming guys would show up with story, right? I'll let you read the linked story and watch the video in it. I'll just mention that Wyo gained field position on this play because we were inside our own 20 at the time (it's in the article too, but this was awesome). https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2016/12/3/13831140/wyoming-sdsu-mountain-west-championship-fumble-touchback-interception
  5. One or the other can make a team good, at best. To be great, you need both. Three months ago I didn't think we could win the SB because our defense was at best average. If our offense can play great, which it certainly has, this team will be hard to beat.
  6. The greater the expectation that Josh carries this Oline, the greater the chance he gets injured. Of all outcomes, this is the worst. Josh is a competitor and he is going to do everything he can to make the Bill's successful, even if it means trying to be superman. Every time I see him trying to make something out of nothing, I get really anxious.
  7. Gruden doesn't need the money. He wants blood
  8. Me too. She's authentic. I find that very refreshing. You don't see that in most politicians.
  9. Isn't it every defenses goal to make offenses struggle? I don't think the challenges faced by the Bill's offense (or any offense for that matter) is a new dynamic. It's always been there. Digg's production this year, I believe, has been impacted by Sanders, Davis and Knox getting more of it and by defenses focusing more on Diggs. The Bill's offensive output is what it is. Stats make it so. The Bills are a leader in these stats. If it took DCs this long to figure out how to defend the Bill's, then there are some pretty shytty DCs out there. Every team goes through periods when things just aren't clicking. This happens because of injuries, illnesses and the many other physical, mental and emotional things in all of our players lives - and then of course the collective of all of these things to the entire team. This is why there are really bad games, really good games and everything in between. Right now, this Jags game is the outlier, simply by the sample sizes involved.
  10. Was the struggle the outlier or were all of the 25+ pt games outliers?
  11. Well, if all the D has to do is defend the $250 million dollar man we've got what we've got
  12. This o line's getting chewed up
  13. What's wrong with that shirt? Digg it!
  14. You talk as if he's chronically injury prone? I haven't seen that. Think we should shelf Allen until the playoffs? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm just trying to understand your point here.
  15. I think the point is, that a woke mob and cancel culture mob exists. I hope it doesn't go there.
  16. That's exactly where I am. Because the issue involves somebodies healthcare status/choices, I think the fines need to be between the NFL and the clubs, and not made public.
  17. Should the NFL even say anything publicly about his poke status? I don't think you or I should or need to hear anything about his health care.
  18. Josh is also facing his Wyo teammate, Dewey Wingard, the Jags starting safety.
  19. Lawrence is a great talent, but he's playing like a rookie. Some times he looks like an allstar and some times he looks like the rookie he is. He's maturing towards being what I believe will be a good NFL talent. I expect continued maturation with this team.
  20. None of you Bill's fans going to the game better be doing the bump and grind with anyone up in the stand!
  21. I wouldn't be surprised. I think Daboll is pretty stubborn about this
  22. We'll spend the first half again, trying to establish the run. Then we'll come out again, in the second half, and throw the ball. Dammit, we're gonna run the ball! Forces me to say Singletary
  23. Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?
  24. Cole is important and he was before yesterday's performance
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