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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Daboll... All we need is a field goal
  2. Daboll points or at a premium here fella. Pretty aggressive play calling on the 1st drive. Then we go all the conservative?
  3. Yes, yes we are. 9 flips ago the odds were really against him doing so. Today, it's 50%
  4. Pressure on you or on the team LOL I think the more pressure will be if the Rams beat the Goat in the early game. The pressure for the visiting teams to sweep this weekend will become unbearable.
  5. When you say compounded probability you are taking the multiple flips together. I'm talking about one flip always being 50/50. For example, the odds of heads with one flip is 50%. The odds of getting heads two times in a row is .5 x .5, or .25. We're gonna have to agree to disagree...and I'm right.
  6. The odds of going 10-0, at the time you start the first flip is different than the odds of each individual flip. Each individual flip remains at 50%, LOL what are we doing? Shouldn't we be cooking up some vittles?
  7. Don't spend to much on him, whoever it is.
  8. This game sure has the national media's attention. My gosh, are there three other games this weekend?
  9. Do not forget the Tampa game. Fat lady is a full half out!
  10. This puts all the pressure on Jones, which is right where we want it.
  11. I think cold weather favors the offensive WRs vs the defenses DBs. It's slight but it's a factor.
  12. Gotta imagine BB will make some adjustments on coverage.
  13. Ha! Josh would have to shelve his, "it sucks to be, a CSU ram" and "beat the sheep"
  14. I expect a route, maybe two, per game where Josh and his WR aren't on the same page. I hope they fix whatever the bad reads were by both in last weekends games. Diggs needs to finish his routes, hard, and let the officials call their games. The only other suggestion from me, and this doesn't need to be said, because I know our WRs know this better than anyone - when Josh is scrambling, find the open space. All of you, find the open spot on the field. Josh will find you. Oh, and one more via edit for giggles. Diggs says you can't catch Josh in your chest, because it hurts, especially when it's cold. You gotta use your hands
  15. Lots of factors, including great play from both trenches. I don't think we win a SB without both.
  16. The funny thing about these narratives is that some believe elements, in this case bad weather, shouldn't have any impact on Josh? That's ridiculous. Bad weather impacts everyone. To think Josh is an exception is crazy. The real story is how well do the coaches adjust the schemes, both offensive and defensive, to adjust to the elements? If the Bills game plan for cold wet weather is the same game plan for warm dry weather, of course the results will be different. Additionally, the goal isn't to keep Josh's, or anyone else's, stats high. The goal is to win. Those adjustments impact an individual's stats.
  17. Stats are great in some ways. But within these stats, we've had some really bad games and some really good games. I guess my point is that we've had some decent volatility from these "averages". If we were consistently at these metrics, game and game, I'd feel better.
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