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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Anyplace other than under Bragg I'd firmly agree. Not too sure???
  2. Yeah, it was most clear to me that you thought there should have been charges of treason.
  3. Do tell why you think there weren't charges of treason against any of the unpeaceful protesters. I always ask questions when I don't the answer. I find nothing wrong with being vulnerable.
  4. You said something about treason a few posts above, I asked you whether there were any charges of treason, and here we are. I wouldn't dare try to "splain" what's going on in your noggin. Nonetheless, I really do love you.
  5. I had little reason to ever learn about or understand the AMA until my kid went through med school. As professional associations go, it's kinda whacked, in many ways.
  6. and it comes so easy for you...
  7. I don't think there exists one, not one, NBA player with a bigger pivot than you have. It's really quite remarkable!
  8. This isn't win or lose to me. It's also most obvious for me.
  9. I have had hundreds of Docs as clients throughout my career that probably struggle with basic math (at least I considered basic math). At first I discounted it as laziness or perhaps a lack of interest in business math. The Doc with the strongest business acumen was usually the managing partner of their medical practice. Understanding taxes, financing, and business ownership issues was rather lacking. I encouraged my son to get his undergrad in accounting or even finance.
  10. Seems obvious, right? Any charges filed?
  11. Anyone charged with treason?
  12. I question CNNs long game. Think it's just $$s or is there something else?
  13. So CNN is pimping for Trump? Why do you think CNN chose to support him in this way?
  14. Thoughts to why CNN set it all up this way?
  15. Yessir. I'll keep my mouth shut just for you But please don't forget, you da man that brought up religion and philosophy in our discussion. Cancel on brotha!
  16. You seem to be arguing for religion, philosophy and faith a lot on the abortion issue. Unlike you though, I give you the right and freedom to express your thoughts and beliefs. Cancel on brotha!
  17. Perhaps. Many don't believe we have a meaning. For me, I believe we're both temporal and spiritual. I think the implicit nature you refer to is when are those of us that believe endowed with a soul. All atheisits have, and perhaps agnostics as well, is science. So as I have inferred, I think there is a point where life begins for both. I do think scientifically, life begins at conception. Thanks for the context
  18. Are you pro life or pro choice? And if pro-choice, all the way up to birth? Given your opinion that the beginning of life is a continuum, when does that continuum end? What's the latest point, generally? I'm thinking of the 21 week premie; certainly by then, right?
  19. Congrats on your work. Do you acknowledge that other medical professionals and scientists hold opinions different than yours? What do you think of that? Your and theirs can't both be "facts", as you have labeled yours? I'd also be interested in your opinion as to when you hypothesize that human life begins. We certainly know that it begins, right? We certainly know that it develops along it's way. We know premies are born as early as 21 weeks, so human life began by then. Curious, knowing what you know, and with your education and background, when do you think life begins? Man you're snarky! Based on the reading I've done, fully acknowledging confirmation bias on my part, there appears to be a very strong argument that the point in time that a human life begins is at conception. It's all development after that event. Let's leave the meaning of life for another day. I can recommend a dang good movie thought, if you're interested.
  20. It absolutely validates his opinion on this matter. But aren't you being hypocrytical given that my links included scientists and medical professionals that have been published and peer reviewed? Also, I want to make sure you understand that the Catholic Churches belief is that the world wasn't created in just 6 days. 😁
  21. I thought it better to get oldman's scientific opinion on when life begins first. I do want to know if he's been published too. That question would have come. Hopefully he'll answer both.
  22. I was speaking philosophically When do you think human life begins?
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