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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Florida has one of the highest scores in education results in the country. Try again
  2. At the federal level, don't we all do this each and every election? It's the lesser of two evils mantra, right?
  3. Two different things, really. Why the left and MSM have to make shyt up about Trump, given all that Trump gives 'em is what is really amazing to me. MSM is biased in their Trump reporting.
  4. If you're open for a book recommendation, give Blue Heaven by CJ Box a read.
  5. Hillary owes America an apology
  6. Do you think black on white racism is worse today, than it was historically here in America?
  7. I guess I'm saying it will continue to be an issue for both sides and is going to require compromise by both extremes.
  8. How is it that the identity of one party is public and the identity of the other party isn't? So much drama over something so minor, IMO.
  9. Just like we're seeing play out in the states, there will have to be a compromise from the two extremes. Most Americans are not for either extreme. Whether the compromise on the issue happens state by state or at the federal level, the result will have to be a reasonable compromise. And we're not going to get to a reasonable compromise unless we're willing to have serious conversations about abortion. Emotions and screaming aren't going to get anyone there.
  10. Kinda an extreme false equivalency, don't you think? Comparing an act of killing a human life to sterilization? Wouldn't your point work better if you used hysterectomy to vasectomy, or perhaps mom killing the baby to dad killing the baby?
  11. You quoted me wrong, but that's not the issue. It's you wanting to take things down some stupid, different, rabbit hole, like arguing the definition of strawman. I'm not playing. And my last post with you is this. I think you have an extremely weak idea of what is really happing in our schools. You can google it, you can search for it on youtube, etc. There are examples after examples after examples of teachers and parents raising these issues across the nation. You can ignore all of them. You can toss a claim of all of this feedback being an attack on history, which it most clearly isn't. Your responses are canned responses, right out of the extremists views on this issue. You appear to believe that you are a part of the enlightened, theoretical, intellectual class on CRT. IMO, you have little to know idea on how to raise and educate our children. I guess all I can say in closing is that we'll have to agree to disagree.
  12. I never said that you said this.
  13. He's saying he's part of the calm, rational, relatively sane voice on this issue and then quickly showing us he isn't. You didn't even pivot, you travelled, and got called out on it.
  14. Feigned ignorance isn't helping your argument.
  15. The point wasn't whether rich whites were being stopped, was it? The point was what the reaction by others would be. I think he's correct in the point he's making.
  16. I don't understand why you want to take the examples you've provided, which admittedly are bad and shouldn't be happening and use those events to teach our first graders to despise and even hate each other. I think teaching them to love each other and to treat each other fairly, regardless of their race, religion, etc. is the correct way. Our human history is full of clans treating other clans poorly. The education we need to provide our children is to not treat others different by focusing on some difference, but to rather focus on the greater commonalities of our human race. Focusing on the differences is what breads the extremisms you mentioned. Provide the history, but provide it in a way that brings our younger, current generation together rather than segregating them. Or, do some of us want them segregated?
  17. Understand the difference between legal and illegal Understand the diff between what your govt does and the rest of the world
  18. Mine do. And I don't want the east coasters and west coasters deciding shyt for me and my life. I can only imagine
  19. Biden/Kamala/indoctrinating kiddos without parental consent/open borders/shyty economy/dimentia and on and on and on. We've got some very tough decisions to make in 2024 It's hard to ignore the other guy when talking about either
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