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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. I paid 100% of my student loan debt and interest during the time I owned it. How did this ever become a controversial thing?
  2. The geography is what makes CA so much better than most states. Perhaps the #1 among some really great states. The politics and culture have ruined it in so many ways, particularly the major CA metros. Northern CA, while it doesn't bring what a metro brings, is still pretty awesome. Water has been and will increasingly be the greatest issue and challenge for the southern rocky mountain west, including southern CA. Most of the reservoirs in CA were built in the 40, 50s and 60s. Water management has been signigicantly mismanaged, given the population growth (not only in CA but upstream through Nevada, Utah, Arizona and Colorado).
  3. Sawtooth's are absolutely amazing, The Snake River is one of the best rivers in the Rocky Mountain West. Too many Californians are moving in and ruining Idaho!
  4. Of everything the left has really screwed up, CA is #1
  5. Polling at this point doesn't mean much. DeSantis might not ever be able to catch Trump, but this is very early. Lot's can happen
  6. I enjoyed this discussion. Some things in this interview that I didn't know.
  7. I guess I don't see your concern. That's what FEMA is for.
  8. His constituents appear to have a different opinion than you. I agree with what you posted above regarding his ability to respond and react in a way that influences his audience to agree and or support him. It appears to me that he's done that pretty well in Florida.
  9. Serious question...why do you consider him awkward?
  10. I think the comparisons between DeSantis and Trump are laughable. Two entirely different people, in so many ways. Sure, they're both GOP with similar current policy positions. Trump's positions have been all over the place though, over his lifetime. And as far as character goes, Trump has little. DeSantis seems to have more than the average politician.
  11. If Nikki's campaign manager believes Trump has charm, I'd argue Nikki needs a new campaign manager.
  12. Tapper did a pretty good reporting on it. Very out character and surprising to me. But he did Trump? Nope! No collusion!
  13. Has a reporter in a live Q&A ever been able to smack DeSantis with a gotcha? Serious question. I've not seen one.
  14. Are you paying attention to what's going on in America today?
  15. Then why did you attack Desantis about it? You're such a peanut
  16. I'm pretty sure the prosecution hits the doctor, not the woman. Am I wrong?
  17. Cuffs! I need cuffs! Is that asking too much?
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