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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. But it should only matter to the Dodgers
  2. This group doesnt cross the line
  3. The left boycotted Chick-fil-A not too long ago, I believe over their strong Christian culture, which included millions donated to what the left considered anti LGBT groups.
  4. Doesn't the fact that you have to ask prove you wrong?
  5. There is a power in a collective. I get that. It'll be interesting to see if the collective can stay afloat with this most recent trans movement. Most gay friends I have do not support gender affirmation efforts of minors. And to your point, Planned Parenthood is not directly related to gender affirmation.
  6. This is where many of us disagree with you. Thank you for owning your position, though. Many won't.
  7. You don't call out one racist by putting up a public sign that calls out everyone. The one racist doesn't even see the sign.
  8. In private, all of the team should be open and honest with each other. Each team member should give the rest of the team permission to be open, honest and transparent. Including criticism. Of course the feedback needs to be given in a positive way. That's the culture you want.
  9. What was reached was a compromise. The repubs discussed compromise the entire time while the Biden admin said there would be no compromise. Simple truth.
  10. I responded to a post that claimed largest in the world in population
  11. None of these five cities is in the top 10. Not one of these five cities is in the top 50. Not one of these five is in the top 100. Only one of these five cities is in the top 200, that being Chicago that comes in at, 198. LOL
  12. 45 minutes long, but worth the listen. A decent portion on the rush to blame racism rather than to identify the problems with solutions that can be achieved.
  13. Europe, especially Britain are a few years ahead of us in this crazy movement. They all seem to be reversing course on a lot of iot.
  14. I don't feel the ignore...should I?
  15. Not in my world. But even so, repay your debt. ignore it then
  16. What world do some of these folks live in?
  17. I don't ever expect you to agree with holding a person accountable for their personal debt. We obviously grew up in different cultures. Great decision by the House on a bipartisan vote. Send 'em a personal donation!
  18. 13% of americans have student loan debt, compared to 100% of basically every tax contributing american that has some kind of debt Accountability is a negative for 13% of americans? LOL
  19. At the expense of blue collar boomers and Gen Xers? You realize that there are more boomers and gen xers without degrees than there are with, right?
  20. Then why not any other debt of a taxpayer? Why chose just one type of debt or one demographic? Why?
  21. You can't compare world pandemic economic recovery programs that were designed to be forgiven to every day loans we've had for decades. Student loans? How 'bout mortgages? How 'bout car loans? How about blue collar small business loans for the guy that changes your oil? The right bipartisan vote on this one!
  22. Cuff him for god's sake. Going on 8 yrs of claim after claim after claim.
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