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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Fair game NOW? Have you lived under a rock for the past decade or two?
  2. I thought Dems were in the midst of a sex strike
  3. you just wait until next year
  4. Dallas is broke
  5. Not sure the stats back up this claim. Additionally, which team has the better defense, statistically. It appears to me that Josh got better stats against a better defense.
  6. repub Pete > Dem Pete
  7. Doesn't make it about blue States or Catholic churches
  8. In contrast to millions & millions of babies?
  9. This isn't about blue states or Catholic Churches. It's about illegal aliens, and initially violent illegals.
  10. What would you do? Who would you start with?
  11. Think AOC will help us end the fillibuster?
  12. Need the last TO to get the FG unit onto the field? But what do I know?
  13. Over the years I've enjoyed visiting FinHeaven the week before the game. Holy moly, that board is lost.
  14. I would take Mowins over Collinsworth or Brady
  15. interest rates are going to rise no matter who wins
  16. I've seen many reports about 10-14 days. Here's one one county in arizona
  17. nothing you say can convince me that it takes 10-14 days All that does is feeds everybody's anxieties and conspiracies.
  18. The clip of Trump saying this should be easy to find. I'll wait
  19. no one did
  20. Your anti 1A feelers on comedy are noted
  21. You and your dems are the ones that keep talking about race, non stop
  22. I disagree with trump being a populist, but I do see the reason you go there. trump's schtik is flipping off the establishment. That's what has made him popular. I think that's different than the historical definition of what a populist is.
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