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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. he leaves it up to the parents, until he doesn't
  2. Trump, Biden, Clinton...the presidential records act applies to one, and only one, of these three.
  3. You ain't nothin but a hound dog...
  4. Not when you consider all of the instances, beginning with Clinton. I know you believe so. But it really isn't.
  5. Lots of rationalization of inconsistent application of the law.
  6. The first thing that comes to mind when someone attacks the source is that it's a purposeful deflection from perhaps a valid point.
  7. overt threat? I didn't think you had the time to do Rotary?
  8. The federal government simply failed in securing documents. There's an entire department responsible for this for pete's sake. It shouldn't have happened.
  9. I'm not sure how similar his situation is to Biden's. Of the three, Pence is the professional in the room.
  10. Now do the the glorious Union army and the Apache
  11. Actually, the ignorance of him is assuming Dems are all supportive of this trans activist movement we're seeing.
  12. Who has good numbers in your opinion at this time?
  13. Most in this thread isnt about gays, is it? It's largely about the trans activists co-opting the Pride flag. I don't ever recall a Catholic or Christian flag sold at Target or being used to sell bud light. I do see the similarities that you are trying to draw. I just think it's too different to really compare.
  14. Not my experience at all. I too was raised Catholic. I attended twelve years of Catholic schooling. Best education in my City! I never felt any pressure to recruit. In fact I can't think of anyone that I recruited, even informally?
  15. Indoctrination is simply education without the ability for reasoned debate.
  16. Dallas is on this list every single year
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