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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. This is pretty ignorant, really. Women and men are going to hold hands, and you, me and bobby mcgee will observe it, just like it's always been. We'll observe theft, bullying, racism, hating, running red lights and lying, just like we always have. We'll see all of this live on the streets and on our televisions. We'll ask each other questions and for our opinions on such. Parents should do their best to instill empathy, love and understanding into their children. When my child reads what you just typed, or hears it from people like you and wonders why someone hates them, or their families, or their faith? What did he mean when he said, "imagine them pounding each other"? Why did he threaten me with sword fighting? Why does he think we cannot all live in the same world? As a parent, I need to explain to my children why our faith believes in sin and what sin is. I need to explain to my children why I sin and why they sin and why others sin. I need to explain to my children that sinning is probably the one common trait the world has in common, I need to explain to my children what forgiveness is; forgiveness being the greatest and most difficult to give each other. I teach my children to love one another, knowing that we are all sinners. My children love others and will charitably help anyone in need. I need to explain to my children why we believe something is a sin when others don't believe it is. You are intolerant of this. You are the one judging others.
  2. Your answer is there, somewhere. Go
  3. If Trump goes away, GOP wins the WH. Dems don't want that to happen. AmIRight?
  4. The evidence has been played out in the media for over 7yrs. I can't show you anything more than we've both seen hundreds of times. My ethical and moral compass is different than yours. Not a win or a loss, we're just different. Why is that not OK for you?
  5. I don't have to. We've both seen the behavior and disagree on his moral and ethical character.
  6. His deceit and misuse of power is well documented. You've seen it.
  7. Relationships without mutual respect aren't really relationships, but rather interactions. Interactions are transactional. Interactions lack investing in the other person. Interactions are giving up something for something else in return, like buying a soda and a convenience store. Interaction is a job. Relationship is a career. I've seen a lot of people mentioned in this thread. Think about how each of these people view their time in Buffalo?
  8. Are there any teams looking for an offensive coordinator? I kid, I kid!
  9. I knew you would get to arguing "degrees of swampiness" on the low end of the spectrum. I worry about the line on the other end of the spectrum. Schiff and Trump both crossed it. You live with what you accept. I live with what I accept. I don't expect you and I to have the same level of tolerance.
  10. "lies, other than"? As I said, I'm not going to get into number of lies, number of times, whether they were white lies or whopper lies, how they influenced an impeachment, etc. We have both heard and seen the same thing. Schiff is the sewer of the sewer in DC IMO. I refused to vote either time for Trump because of his lack of moral and ethical character. Trump has nothing on Schiff.
  11. I'm not going to get in any sort of argument with you regarding the number of times Schiff lied. He did it repeatedly on numerous news programs. Heck, he even got called out on The View. Let's simply leave it at...you and I have different opinions what strong moral and ethical character is and what each of our expectations are from our electeds in DC. Schiff doesn't meet my expectations and he apparently meets yours.
  12. I'll take that as a "yes", that is what your saying. Dang!
  13. Can both be true? Schiff lied, many many times. Should that be excused because Trump sucks? Is that what you're saying (or supporting)?
  14. I'm glad we cleared that up
  15. There's a reason the DOJ and FBI have stonewalled on releasing documents. There's a reason they redacted info from documents they did release. The only ones that know what those reasons are are the DOJ and FBI. No one should be surprised that folks on both sides of the aisle are concluding in ways that best serve their agendas. This coming at a time where many Americans are losing trust in these two institutions. It's most unfortunate.
  16. Homosexuality is physical attraction to the same sex and is not a gender identity disorder. Clinical psychologists define transsexuality as a gender identity disorder. Link And, should you desire to, you might want to gain an understanding ofthe difference between a clinician and a regular, run of the mill, psychologist.
  17. gay children are gay, not trans. You understand the difference, right?
  18. public schools are, right?
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