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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. Universities have had freedoms that not all of us have had
  2. We should probably add that one has been held accountable for their misdeeds (criminally, civilly and financially) and the other not so much. And I'd add that most all of us, if not all of us, feel the Catholic Church should have been and should continue to be held accountable for their misdeeds. I'm not sure the other we're comparing to the Catholic Church is being held accountable, accept through only public policy outcry. It sounds like some of you are arguing that somebody got away with it, so we should allow someone else to also get away with it. I don't follow the logic. I don't even understand how the two should even be compared. The Catholic Church is the largest, non governmental provider of charity in the world; and Billsy wants to shut 'em down!
  3. This is kinda apples and oranges. I think you know that. At least I hope you do.
  4. We'd be shutting everything down, right?
  5. Nothing was said about this charity fundraiser up to the point of a sponsor pulling out due to Trump. Who was the first to say anything?
  6. There was enough concern by UNC and Harvard to fight this all the way to and through the SCOTUS. Perhaps some schools admission diversity processes are different? A question in your process - if you have a black applicant equal to an Asian applicant in every other category, does one have an admission advantage over the other?
  7. It's easy for him to support making it illegal. We'll see. I think it would go a long way towards bringing the country to an acceptable compromise. I don't think he's willing to go there.
  8. Too much party over country. Why should we be surprised when folks put party over charity?
  9. I'm not sure he's supporting making it illegal in the 3rd trimester though.
  10. The epitome of bigotry and intolerance.
  11. I think you're trying to create a narrative that doesn't exist in reality
  12. Federal government programs lack accountability, for the most part. The Feds require all states and many political subdivisions to be audited annually. The vast majority get clean audits. The Feds have never received a clean audit (called an unqualified opinion). I'd appreciate most all social programs to be done at the state and local level. Or contract with NPOs at the state and local level to administer the programs.
  13. pretty much agree. The Repubs position on spending this last couple of decades isn't small government but rather simply less govt than the Dems want, both being larger than I want.
  14. Ha, he doesn't want to pay more. He wants us to pay more!
  15. Well, nice attempt at pivoting, with a "whataboutism"! But to your point, Biden's on track to match Trump's deficit total in Biden's first three years.
  16. One of his ladies needs to give him a swift kick under the table
  17. and the final chapter in each of our lives is normally not a good one. The final couple of years is normally filled with significant decline, required assistance, etc. A person isn't fit to serve/work in their final chapter.
  18. An additional observation from me. I've got a wide range of philosophies in my family. We have fairly respectable discussions which allow us to better understand each other's opinions and positions, which is a learning experience that I appreciate. I don't find that on this board with most posters.
  19. It's OK to disagree. Disagreement and discussion makes a stronger. Curious, does the family you cut out of your life feel similarly?
  20. to Joe's complete and historic mismanagement of $200 billion in Covid funds.
  21. This flag is about having to accept men who parade naked?
  22. Do you have 99,999 additional examples from 99,999 additional moms you can share?
  23. People complaining is causing you anxiety? My first suggestion is to get off this board.
  24. You're the guy doing the assuming and the judging, not me.
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